Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
Releases · opfab/operatorfabric-core
See Migration Guide from release 4.0.0 to release 4.1.0
- #5058 : Added recipients for information in message or question list
- #4751 : Added advanced task as a built-in template
- #5029 : Added healthcheck endpoint for node services
- #5103 : Added an API endpoint to reset rate limiter
- #4697 : Process monitoring screen - experimental feature
- #5108 : Preview of users connected takes notification configuration into account
- #5312 : The API now allows to call all the entities the user can answer on behalf of
- #5028 : Add an admin screen for supervisor
- #5375 : Use rich text editor in message build in templates
- #5436 : Removed the type attribute of groups
- #5490 : Task advanced : make impossible a card without any month/weekday selected
- #5486 : Fix admin screen missing translations
- #5129 : Avoid never ending spinner if a request to archives fails
- #5144 : Avoid latency when receiving cards
- #5115 : Remove border in opfab table
- #5169 : Fix search in the Card Feed when the translatedSummary is missing
- #5102 : Avoid truncated pinned cards
- #5101 : Fix Automatic full screen mode for card detail in feed when filters visible
- #5112 : Question usercard : it should be impossible to set a lttd anterior to the current date
- #5120 : Exception in console when geographical map activated
- #5177 : Updated the file size limit of uploads to 100 MB
- #5253 : Do not group cards that have no tag set
- #5145 : Activity areas can bypass restriction on emitting entity allowed to respond
- #5310 : Correct various bug in card reminder
- #5334 : Fix bug on buildin template task, for task description field
- #5110 : Opening a card from dashboard now closes the tooltip
- #5389 : Fixed the message-or-question-list message selection
- #5343 : Popover tooltips from the colored circles of timeline and dashboard don't appear or disappear properly
- #5481 : Task advanced : in the template, it should be impossible to set a negative number in "task duration" and "minutes to remind before task"
- #5116 : Add a script to load supervisor configuration
- #5117 : Added coordinates to some example cards for richer view on the map
- #5206 : Set /var/log/opfab as log directory in all node-service dockers
- #4009 : Migrate to keycloak quarkus
- #5319 : Add scripts to help dependency analysis
- #5440 : Add an index on mongoDB archivedCards collection for field processInstanceId
- #5386 : Solve issue : Card reminder looses some occurrences after reset
- #5368 : Solve issue with card reminder that go in a loop under certain circumstances
- Update rabbitMQ client dependency to 5.20.0 (Security issue)
Update dependencies (Security issues)
- #5279 : Upgrade dependencies and patch snakeyaml
- #5277 : Do not group cards together that have no tags
See Migration Guide from release 3.15.2 to release 4.0.0
New major features :
- #4396, #4712 : Add a service to send card reception alerte via mail (cards-external-diffusion service)
- #4449 : Add a supervisor for connections and not acknowledged cards (supervisor service)
- #4737 : Add build-in templates
- #4438 : Opfab API V1
- #4329 : Rate limiter for card sending
- #4687,#4834,#4934,#4945 : Configuration simplification and normalisation
Usercard :
- #4448 : Create usercard as a copy
- #4447 : Add connection status circle next to entities in card preview
- #4948 : Permit to send geo information from a user card
- #4963 : Add methods userCardTemplate.setSelectedRecipients and userCardTemplate.setSelectedRecipientsForInformation
- #4794 : Add the possibility to set the publisher of the card via getUserResponse
- #4752 : Added message selection from a JSON file as a built-in template
Archives :
- #4368 : In archives view / export : removed field business period, added fields publisher, entity recipients and process
- #4884 : Add business period in card footer for archives detail card
Admin screens :
- #4640 : Do not authorize space in login and minimum length 2 characters
- #4320 : Add a ui screen to manage buisness data file
- #4641 : When adding or editing a user, it's possible to see, add or edit a comment about the user
Menu and navigation bar:
- #4442, #4706 : Add a more customizable navigation bar menu
- #4451 : If navigation bar menu has only one entry, show submenu anyway
- #4776 : Add a tooltip to show user connected entities
- #4546 : Add a message if the user has no process/state in the dashboard
- #3629 : Optimize grouping feed feature when a lot of cards are present
- #4607 : Add reload page button to the application-loading screen
- #4596 : Remove "Write" right for perimeters
- #4669 : No longer consider case when checking login is equal to publisher / representative for card sending
- #4764 : Added the option 'hideBusinessMessages' to web-ui.json to hide alert messages with level 'BUSINESS' and renamed and moved alertMessageBusinessAutoClose and alertMessageOnBottomOfTheScreen to a new alerts section in the config
- #4727 : Titles of cards in the front are truncated if too long
- #4632 : Grouped cards : blue arrow should not be displayed if only one card
- #4518 : Add a tooltip component for template or external apps
- #4900 : Realtime screen : only show users member of specific groups
- #5013 : Mask params in navigation bar for external apps
- #4539 : Geomap disappears if we update a card (via edit button)
- #4540 : Default value set in "recipients in copy" field in edit mode
- #4542 : Dashboard : unexpected redirection to the feed after editing and updating a card
- #4536 : Fix datepicker reset
- #4537 : Removed scrollbar and fullscreen button from dashboard cards
- #4533 : Fixed the date format when 'Day' is selected on the timeline while hidden
- #4691 : Error in the formating of delete confirmation for the admin table in dutch
- #4946 : Fix External application theme when opened in new tab
- #5068 : Fix bug when accessing a deleted archived card via user actions log screen
- #4454 : Add scripts to change log level on services
- #4586, #4732 : Transfer card reminder management from ui to backend (cards-reminder service)
- #4704 : Migrate to java 17.0.8
- #4689 : Add a mongoDB index for field parentCardId (in cards and in archives)
- #4914 : Update dependency chart.js to v4.4.0
- #4738 : Load processes with all versions on ui startup
- #4984 : Prevent log injection
- #4922 : Create an operatorfabric docker for RabbitMQ to fix rabbit version
- #5030 : Close eventStream when session is really expired
Update dependencies to last version to solve security issues