Releases: opfab/operatorfabric-core
Releases · opfab/operatorfabric-core
- #3651 In usercard , sometimes template does not change when changing process
- #3651 In usercard , sometimes template does not change when changing process
Migration from 3.9.x
See Migration Guide from release 3.9.x to release 3.10.0
- #3357 : Add spinner when changing connected entities in activity area screen
- #3349 : Add a spinner when delete a card if slow network
- #3347 : Add a spinner when logout is slow
- #3149 : Show entities concerned by card in footer
- #3328 : Settings screen configuration : move "settings.infos.hide" section to ''settingsScreen.hiddenSettings"
- #3383 : Permit to select more than one entity if possible when sending a response card
- #3310, #3405 : Provide shared css/js to external applications
- #3408 : User cards: Permit to add a list of recipients via the template & user choice
- #3452 : Add hover and zoom-to-card on the geomap function
- #3486 : Add remote logs for debugging purpose
- #1328 : Prevent the removal of the administration group for the admin user
- #3299 : Regularly try to reconnect disconnected external devices
- #3234, #3543 : Refuse sending card if process or state does not exist (feature can be desactivate by configuration)
- #3331 : Add a possibility to have non filterable notifications
- #1318 : Resource identifiers should only contain letters, digits, dashes or underscores
- #3503 : Add export feature for admin screens
- #3450 : Geographical map: add a optional chart to display number of cards by severity
- #3545 : Add a possibility to not close card when user acknowledge
- #3534 : Administration screen : Add in groups popup the list of members
- #3544 : Add the possibility to hide edit or delete card link
- #3565 : Add option to sort cards by start and end date
- #3589 : Add logs when user ack/read/unack/unread
- #3570 : Set default feed filtering and sorting values in web-ui.json
- #3595 : Add methods for templates to set selected values and options list in multiselect component
- #3566 : Add setting to automatically open the first card in list
- #3603 : Administration screen : Add in entity popup the list of members
- #3623 : Feed filters : red color for the icon in case filtering is activated
- #3370 : Feed light card : words are cut in summary text
- #3169 : Redirection to the feed when editing a card from monitoring/agenda
- #3369 : Cursor is not valid in monitoring table when going over the table rows
- #3355 : Group administration : bad display of TYPE single-select
- #3361 : Admin checkbox : mouseover text overflows the screen
- #3172 : Checkboxes can be checked even outside the text
- #3306 : Remove settings value playSoundOnExternalDevice when removing user link to external device
- #3371 : Cursor not valid in << and >> (monitoring screen and feed when timeline is hidden)
- #3367 : Cursor for "Acknowledge all cards" link is not the good one
- #3368 : Feed : "Reset all filters" link is clickable on more than just the text
- #3350 : Spinner too small when we send a usercard
- #3422 : Not using default sound settings defined in web-ui.json when user has no settings
- #3374 : Bad display of "Response closed" dutch version
- #3435 : Unused fields in request when update/create a perimeter via admin UI
- #3372 : Send HTTP error 500 when external application endpoint is not found
- #3362 : Spinner for loading opfab : use shared spinner component
- #3466 : Group/entity/perimeter creation : some special characters in id field are not forbidden
- #3353 : Logout with slow network show "session expired" popup
- #2998 : No sound on Firefox after closing and reopening the browser
- #3471 : Migration script to opfab 3 : special characters not well translated
- #3488 : Fix pinned cards display for long titles
- #3176 : Updates for users/entities/groups should be sent to components that need it
- #3512 : Realtime screen bug when a connected user has no entity
- #3562 : Admin screens: do not cut long values for ID column
3.9.3. RELEASE
- #3486 : Add remote logs for debugging purpose
- #3490 Application does not take into account default locale config
- #3422 Not using default sound settings defined in web-ui.json when user has no settings
Migration from 3.8.x
See Migration Guide from release 3.8.x to release 3.9.0
- #3128 : Add administration endpoint for sending messages on subscription
- #3248 : Authorize PWA conditionally and only for chrome based browsers
- #3163 : Creation of a spinner component and spinners added in real time users screen and in activity area screen
- #3153 : Add group type
- #3237 : Disable the button "Validate answer" as long as the answer is not saved
- #3167 : Add spinner in user card creation screen
- #3238 : Add the possibility to enable/disable the possibility to have the same OpFab url used several times at the same time
- #3255, #3256, #3257, #3259, #3260, #3262 : Replace single filter with new multiselect component in different places
- #3183 : Add an error message when a user without entity tries to send a card
- #3221 : Display all connected users per group on realtime users dashboard
- #3145 : Provide a way to access all cards in archives/logging screens for admin user
- #3190 : Add the possibility to display a spinner in the card template
- #3168 : Archives/logging screens : set color gray for the cards list (like monitoring)
- #3184 : Archives/logging screens : multi-filters not well aligned
- #3173 : Archives/logging screens : datepicker forbidden dates are not disabled
- #3165 : Monitoring screen : "Export data" button displayed too in the bottom of the page
- #3162 : Mouse cursor is not correct on "Edit" and "Delete" buttons
- #3181 : Acknowledgments footer : sort entities alphabetically
- #3171 : Entities management screen : filter on parent entities is not working
- #3200 : When both the geomap and grouped cards are enbled, multiple cards show up on the map
- #3240 : TemplateGateway.getEntity should return entity labels
- #3284 : Group administration screen : description field should not be mandatory
- #3279 : Card detail: show action buttons only after template is loaded
- #3246 : Feed notification configuration : display problem if the user has no right for a process group
- #3332 : Bug in calendar when no daysOfWeek in recurrence
- #3346 : Timeline : bad display when "hide timeline" activated
- #3348 : Bad display for timeline when it is hidden and we switch between domains
- #3356 : Archives/Logging screens : error for control in hours/minutes fields
- #3365 : Usercard start/end dates : no error for wrong date
- #3373 : Problem with the feed filter pop up
- #3248 : In Firefox long polling connection does not work properly. Authorize PWA conditionally and only for chrome based browsers.
Migration from 3.7.0
See Migration Guide from release 3.7.0 to release 3.8.0
- #2844 : Pinned cards : add pinned icon
- #2985 : Usercard : add a method to set initial selected severity from template
- #3009 : Admin screen : deal with the realtime parameter for groups
- #2861 : Choose your entities on login
- #2986 : Usercard : add a method to set initial selected recipient list
- #3025 : Add an option to hide unacknowledge button
- #3000 : Change icons for menus "External devices configuration" and "Realtime users"
- #3001 : Add a spinner when loading external devices list in modal
- #3010 #2999 : Archives and Logging screens : Add spinners or loading messages
- #2804 : Prevent to have several tabs connected at the same time in the same browser with the same opfab url
- #3005 : Add message when trying to open a card that is not found in the feed
- #3105 : Sort alphabetically state rights in perimeter administration table
- #3104 : When reload is requested, ask the user to reload via an alert
- #3131 : Deliver the application as progressive web app
- #2868 #3126 #3143 : Add possibility to use a multi select component in templates
- #2950 : Add a geographical map view (Experimental)
- #3006 : Log in screen : "Sign in" button not well centered
- #3007 : Settings screen : "play sounds for cards with severity" field not well aligned
- #3008 : External devices configuration screen : user login column not well aligned
- #3011 : Bug in usercard with useDescription
- #3014 : Entities acks : button "cancel ack" proposed whereas it should not
- #3013 : Bug in archives and logging screens when searching by state
- #3052 : Changing activity area does not always propagate to cards-consultation service
- #2997 : Mouse cursor is not the good one in different places
- #2928 : Solve bug : usercardTemplateGateway.getStartDate() method returns outdated value
- #3029 : Hide timeline on two lines in french with resolution 1680x1050
- #2995 : See briefly "you are not allowed to send card" with slow network
- #2993 : Fix bug when getting not existing card with slow network
- #3073 : Add space between environment name and user name
- #2958 : Force logins to be stored with lowercase letters when it comes from an init file
- #3106 : Account already used message when reloading page
- #3083 : Avoid loosing acknowlegments when connection lost
- #2588 : Logging screen : summary column extends without limit if the message contains no space character
- #2876 : Add prettier configuration
- #2868 : Use Virtual Select component ( for multiselect
- #3054 : Ag-grid: replace deprecated property localeTextFunc
- #3065 : Update dependency chart.js to v3.8.0
- #3078 : Do not send null or empty json field to limit the network bandwidth
- #3101 : Remove environment choice in
See Migration guide from 3.6.0.RELEASE to 3.7.0.RELEASE
- #2858 : Change the mouse cursor when going over the pin card
- #2807 : Add the user name to the userAlreadyConnected pop up
- #2786 : User cards: add the possibility to set timespans
- #2848 : Deal with groups of entities in acknowledged footer
- #2905 : Propagate user token to external recipient
- #2918 : Enable to have several sound devices connected at the same time for each user
- #2940,#2974 : Add option to group cards by tag in the feed (Experimental feature)
- #2772: New option to consider acknowledgment at the entity level. Please see the documentation about acknowledgment for more information.
- #2849 : Add already connected users in activity area screen
- #2816 : Exception in remoteLog back service when too much log
- #2803 : Admin screen : typo error in french version
- #2808 : Add box around the acknowledged footer of the card in day mode
- #2822 : External devices configuration screen : single-filters are no longer aligned
- #2806 : Display of pin cards not correct when too much cards
- #2811 : Settings screen/Admin screens : Description for fields not in uppercase letters
- #2865 : Too much margin in popup
- #2850 : Exception when clicking on timeline and card not present in feed
- #2813 : Usercard edition : deal with the possibility to modify the emitter entity
- #2815 : Modify answer button should appear in real time
- #2821 : Fix text and background colors in time pickers
- #2921 : Fix issue with script in MacOS
- #2916 : Stop active repetitive sound alarm when user is disconnected by new user
- #2899 : Disable sound activation pop up if sounds are played on an external device
- #2866 : External devices configuration page : show error message when the service is not available
- #2959 : Large screen size reset when switching night/day mode
- #2820 : Feed screen : No spinner when it takes time to load a card
- #2805 : User card: in card preview lightcard should not be clickable