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Releases: peterson-tim-j/HydroSight

Minor update - GUI Bugs fixed + snow melt model added

29 Mar 05:41
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This minor update includes the following graphical interface fixes:

  • Bug fixed in the table export and import that caused the dates to not have the left two digits of the year.
  • Bug fixed in the simulations drop-down list of model labels that caused none of the calibrated models to be listed. It only occurred when the simulation table was empty.
  • Bug fixed in the use of new simulation forcing data when pumping downscaling (pumpingRate_SAestimation.m). Such simulations can now use forcing data input during the simulations.
  • Time-series plots modified. The outlines was removed from grey fill (for plotting of heads) to better show the dynamics.
  • Keystroke shortcuts added see here for details.

The following changes were also made to the model TFN algorithms:

  • Snow melt model added to one and two layer soil moisture models. This was added as part of the Groundwater Challenge competition. Details of the model are here.

In addition to the above app changes, the following changes were made to the online documentation:

  • Figure was added to explain the soil moisture flux dynamics (see here).
  • Details of the soil moisture fluxes were updated (see here)
  • Soil moisture V2 models were documented (see here).
  • Historic offline documentation files were deleted.
  • Journal paper PDFs were updated and moved to here.
  • Keystroke shortcuts summary was added (see here).
  • Support information was revised (see here)

Minor update - GUI enhancments and multiple pumping bores functional

23 Dec 12:33
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This minor update includes the following new graphical interface features:

  • Model can now be easily duplicated using context menu.
  • Status bar added to all GUI tabs. This avoids the need to scroll left to identify the label of the currently displayed model.
  • Outlier detection bore ID selection bug was fixed that caused the list of bores for selection to be hidden from the user.

The following changes were also made to the model TFN algorithms:

  • Bug fixed causing models with multiple pumping bores to fail during build.

Minor update - Soil model initial state and GUI bugs

26 Nov 23:08
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HydroSight now includes unit-testing of the GUI and algorithms. It allowed identification and fixing of the following bugs:

  • Forcing data box-plots are now functional and only provided as an option to the user when the step is >daily.
  • Calibration results CDF for DREAM calibration has been rewritten to fix bug caused by varying x-axis values with each parameter sample.
  • responseFunction_FerrisKnowlesJacobs.m is now functional.

In addition to the fixed bugs, the following new features have been added:

  • Estimation of storativity by having the Pearsons climate weighting function to use pumping estimates of storativity (S) as the 'A' scaling parameter for the weights. This often produces more plausible estimates of S. See derivedweighting_PearsonsPumping().
  • Soil moisture model initial moisture has been changed from a fraction of the capacity (SMSC) to the steady state solution for the mean precipitation, PET and model parameters. This change ensures that the initial soil moisture has minimal impact on the solutions. The parameter S_initialfrac is now a multiplier to the steady state solution (default 1.0).
  • CMA-ES calibration is now faster for models having dynamic parameter constraints (i.e. v2 soil models).
  • DREAM calibration performance has been improved by the addition of options for the initial sampling method and the initial standard deviation for the sampling. This allows a model to be calibrated using CMA-ES or SP-UCI and then DREAM can be used to sample around the previously identified solution; i.e. setting the calibration option prior to normal and using a low standard deviation sigma.

Major update - GUI and model performance

15 Sep 05:19
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HydroSight now allows the efficient creation of models and the extensive examination of model results. Also, two new examples have been added to the GUI.

The following changes to time-series model algorithms have also been made:

  • Outlier detection vectorised to produce over an order of magnitude improvement in runtime.
  • All calibration schemes, including DREAM, and now operational.
  • Modelling with the pumping downscaling and with land use change are operational.
  • Soil model mass balance errors have been reduced to sub-millimeters per day.

Finally, "Cite Project" has been added to the GUI menus. Please use it to cite the relevant papers - doing so will support the funding of HydroSight.

For a detailed list of changes see here.

The .exe below is for installation of HydroSight on Windows. To create a stand-alone executable for other operating systems run makeStandaloneHydroSight() from within Matlab.

HydroSight - Major update

28 May 02:08
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This release was generously funded by Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. It provides a number of powerful new features and resolves the some important bugs/weaknesses, most notably:

  • A soil moisture model bug has been fixed that can cause in-complete calibration of its parameters. Also, a second version of the soil moisture model has been provided that constrains the actual soil ET using the Budyko curve. See (
  • The calibration GUI tab now allows extensive examination of the fluxes at a range of time-scales, weighting functions and model specific outputs, eg transmissivity .
  • Calibration is now undertaken using an additional GUI. This provides extensive control of the calibration settings and displays the calibration output text.
  • A highly novel TFN forcing transformation component, called pumpingRate_SAestimation, has been added that allows the downscaling and in-filling of infrequently metered pumping. This requires extensive changes to the SP-UCI calibration scheme. The downscaling and in-filling algorithms have been carefully written to be very computationally efficient.
  • Help documentation has been moved to the project wiki.
  • Calibration time has been reduced by the optimisation of the C code functions.
  • Multiple small bugs in the GUI have been fixed.

Additionally, the attached Windows 64bit binaries include a version with an installer (install_HydroSight.exe) and one without an installer ( The version without the installer would only be appropriate if your PC already has the required version of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) installed (currently Matlab 2014b). To use the no installer version, download and unzip the folder to, say, your Desktop, open the folder and run HydroSight.exe.

HydroSight - Minor update

15 Sep 02:14
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This release refines the TFN soil moisture modules and resolves the some important bugs/weaknesses, most notably:

  • The soil moisture models has been changed to use 3 sub-daily time steps of equal size. This was undertaken to produce estimates of soil moisture fluxes with lower numerical integration errors of daily fluxes. Also, the list of available soil fluxes has been reduced because both the integrated and instantaneous estimates are no longer required because fluxes all are now integrated fluxes.
  • GUI slider was added to change the width of the sub-panels.
  • GUI allows exporting of calibrated model fluxes and of individual results tables.
  • Major bug was fixed causing the GUI to not work in Windows 10.
  • Multiple small bugs in the GUI have been fixed.

Additionally, the attached Windows 64bit binaries include a version with an installer (install_HydroSight.exe) and one without an installer ( The version without the installer would only be appropriate if your PC already has the required version of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) installed (currently Matlab 2014b). To use the no installer version, download and unzip the folder to, say, your Desktop, open the folder and run HydroSight.exe.


17 Mar 05:23
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This release resolves the following bugs/weaknesses:

  • Hydrograph interpolation now produces smooth results at the daily time-step. See the change log for details.
  • TFN convolution produced numerical artefacts at the daily time-step. Its integration scheme has been revised.
  • Error analysis bug fixed to better identify rapid head changes (Thanks Brendan for identifying this weakness)
  • Outlier detection analysis is now functioning. In version 1.2.6 it crashed when called but the user was not informed of such.

Additionally, the attached Windows 64bit binaries include a version with an installer (install_HydroSight.exe) and one without an installer ( The version without the installer would only be appropriate if your PC already has the required version of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) installed (currently Matlab 2014b). To use the no installer version, download and unzip the folder to, say, your Desktop, open the folder and run HydroSight.exe.


20 Oct 02:05
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This release is the first under the name name HydroSight (previously called The Groundwater Statistical Toolbox).

The following bugs/weaknesses have also been fixed:

  • Pearson's weighting function bug for analytical estimation for time steps 0 to 1 day was fixed. This may result in more plausible estimates of aquifer storativity (when pumping is included in the model).
  • Progress bars added to the data preparation, construction, calibration and simulation.
  • Bug fixed in loading older version projects.
  • Bug fixed in TFN example MatLab script calling solveModel() and solveModelPlotResults()

Groundwater Statistics Toolbox with standalone GUI

14 Sep 06:03
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This release has the following new features:

  • Models can be stored on the hard-drive, rather than RAM. This allows a project to have 1,000s of models.
  • Hydrograph kriging temporal interpolation now uses universal kriging for improved interpolation when trends exist. The kriging local search scheme also takes at least 25% of points from prior to and after each estimation point.
  • Retrieval of calibration results from a cluster (non-stand alone GUI only) was re-written to improve performance and stability.

This following bugs/weaknesses have also been fixed:

  • Exporting calibration results causing errors.
  • Non-responsive GUI when the project contains 1,000s of DREAM calibrated models.
  • Class destructor added to TFN class definitions.
  • GUI calibration table reports median performance statistics when MCMC calibration methods are used.
  • GUI example model soil options updated to reflect new soil moisture module.
  • Example TFN model script bug fixed & data files re-added.
  • DREAM calibration now returns samples even if there are insufficient acceptable samples for reliable calibration.

Groundwater Statistics Toolbox with standalone GUI

01 Jun 07:36
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This version is a minor update to the prior public release of the Groundwater Statistics Toolbox. The application is compiled for Windows 7 (or later) 64 bit and allows the following analysis to be undertaken:

  • detection of hydrograph outliers;
  • batch time-series model construction;
  • batch global calibration and graphical analysis of the results; and
  • batch model simulations for hydrograph interpolation, extrapolation and scenario investigation.

This release has the following bug fixes:

  • Plotting of calibration residuals error fixed;
  • Calibration stores the residuals as a single data type. This was done to reduce RAM requirements for DREAM calibration; and
  • HPC offload and retrieval bugs fixed (only when ran from within Matlab).