This release resolves the following bugs/weaknesses:
- Hydrograph interpolation now produces smooth results at the daily time-step. See the change log for details.
- TFN convolution produced numerical artefacts at the daily time-step. Its integration scheme has been revised.
- Error analysis bug fixed to better identify rapid head changes (Thanks Brendan for identifying this weakness)
- Outlier detection analysis is now functioning. In version 1.2.6 it crashed when called but the user was not informed of such.
Additionally, the attached Windows 64bit binaries include a version with an installer (install_HydroSight.exe) and one without an installer (noInstaller_HydroSight.zip). The version without the installer would only be appropriate if your PC already has the required version of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) installed (currently Matlab 2014b). To use the no installer version, download and unzip the folder to, say, your Desktop, open the folder and run HydroSight.exe.