Get app in here https://apps.ringcentral.com/integration/ringcentral-embeddable/1.8.0/index.html
Important: Default redirect URI changed to https://apps.ringcentral.com/integration/ringcentral-embeddable/1.8.0/redirect.html, please make sure to add it in your app setting in RingCentral Developer website. Customize and have a fixed redirect URI by following here
Breaking Changing
- Remove support for IE (#561)
New features
- feat: support new brands (Atos, Avaya and Rainbow) (#571)
- feat: support to change brand config and theme after user login (#560)
- feat: support end-to-end encryption, waiting room options at meeting scheduler for RingCentral Video (#560)
- refactor: new auth solution (open auth window directly in app, not proxy iframe required) (#560)
- feat: allow to disable minimize (#576)
- feat: add isWindowPoppedUp in RCAdapter (#577)
- fix: call dialer status notify issue (#572)
- fix: remove allow-downloads from sandbox attributes at safari (#574)
- fix: missing login number issue at event (#578)
Dependency upgrading
- Upgrade widgets lib 0.13.2 (package renamed into @ringcentral-integration/commons and @ringcentral-integration/widgets)