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Repository containing software infrastructure for running experiments on Franka Emika Panda Arms

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This repository contains scripts and off-the-shelf starter scripts for developping and running algorithms for the Franka Emika Panda arms.

  • In the docker folder you can find the docker compose yaml and Dockerfiles to setup the docker environment for the realtime computer and workstation computer interfacing with the Franka arms. frankapy and frank-interface are also compiled in the docker environments and you should be able to use frankapy APIs out of the box through this repo.

  • In the robot_toolkit folder you can find the calibration scripts to run robot camera calibration routine(currently) and multi camera calibration routine (soon), find more info here.

  • In the franka_control_suite(Work in Progress) folder you can find experimental feedback controllers implemented in libfranka.

  • In tests (Work in Progress) folder we will provide various unit tests and integration test scripts to ensure the software system is working as expected. Including tests for the docker environment, frankapy, robot camera calibration, etc (Work in Progress)


  • docker-compose (version 1 or version 2, use "docker-compose .." or "docker compose .." respectively)
  • docker
  • git
  • openssh-server
  • nvidia-container-toolkit (look at robot_toolkit/docs/ )
  • GPU with necessary Nvidia drivers (if using workstation docker)
sudo apt-get install docker-compose git 

install openssh-server, following instructions here

Build Instructions

Before building the docker environments, you need to add your user to the docker group as mentioned here, so that you can run the docker commands without sudo preveileges and therefore need not type in your password everytime.

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Note: If using docker-compose version 2, just replace commands containing "docker-compose" with "docker compose" installing docker dependancies

Note: Realtime Computer is the computer that sends/receives data from/to the robot realtime(1Khz). It runs the realtime linux kernel as described here. Workstation computer is the computer that sends high level commands to realtime computer to control the robot, this computer can run GPUs.

Build docker container for the real time computer directly connected to Franka's control.

docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml build \
                            --build-arg workstation_ip=<workstation_ip address>\
                            --build-arg realtime_computer_ip=<realtime_computer_ip address>\
                            --build-arg robot_server_version=<robot_server_version>
docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml create             

Note: To find your robot server version, first find your robot systems version in Franka Desk -> Settings -> System -> Version. Next find your robot server version corresponding to your system version here. eg. for robot system version >=4.2.1, robot server version is 5.

Note: While building the docker container, the above command might print warnings in red color, don't be alarmed and let the process run. If it stops building, that's when there is an error.

Build franka_control_suite in the realtime docker environment (optional and not required to use frankapy)

open a bash terminal inside the realtime docker container

docker exec -it realtime_docker bash

go to franka_control_suite and build it

cd /root/git/franka_control_suite
mkdir build && cd build 
cmake ..

Build, create, and start the docker container for the workstation computer that has GPU/nvidia drivers

Note: it is important to pass the workstation IP address as seen by the Realtime computer here

docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml build \
                            --build-arg workstation_ip=<workstation_ip address> \ 
                            --build-arg use_robotiq=1 \
                            --build-arg build_dope=1 \
                            --build-arg build_contactgraspnet=1 \ 
                            --build-arg build_megapose=1
docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml create
docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml start

Note: The default CUDA version is 11.3 and Ubuntu version is 20.04, if you would like to change these, please aquire an appropriate docker image and use --build-arg image=<your image>. Note: if you want to use roboiq gripper, please set --build-arg use_robotiq=1 in the previous command for building workstation docker.

Note: While building the docker container, the above command might print warnings in red color, don't be alarmed and let the process run. If it stops building, that's when there is an error.

Setting up ssh-key between the workstation and realtime computers (done only once)

Make sure to setup your workstation/workstation docker's ssh key to ssh into the realtime computer/docker without a password(this is required for frankapy) following instructions here, you can run the following,

  1. In a terminal in your workstation/workstation docker,
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"
[Press enter]
[Press enter]
[Press enter]
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  1. Upload your public ssh key to the realtime pc

    i. In a separate terminal on your workstation PC/docker, use your favorite text editor to open your file.

    vim ~/.ssh/

    ii. In a new terminal on your workstation PC/docker, ssh to the realtime PC.

    ssh [realtime -pc-username]@[realtime -pc-name]
    Input password to realtime -pc.

    iii. Inside terminal in your realtime computer (not realtime computer docker),

    vim ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

    iv. Copy the contents from your file to a new line on the authorized_keys file on the real time. Then save

    v. Open a new terminal in the workstation docker and try sshing to the realtime PC and it should no longer require a password.

Usage Instructions

Note: docker-compose provides several commands to use the docker containers that we built in previous steps. They are "up, start and run". In our docker containers we have not yet defined explicit services, so we will use "run". "up" creates or recreates the container(if you made changes to dockerfile or .yml files), therefore you might lose changes you made in the container, like adding ssh-key. As shown below we use the "start" command to run the container we built in the previous step, make sure to "stop" the container when done

In the realtime host computer terminal, bring the built docker container up

docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml start

and when you are done with the container, run

docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml stop

this would get the container running. Then in a new terminal in the realtime host machine, run,

To open a bash terminal inside the docker container

docker exec -it realtime_docker bash

In a terminal in the workstation computer

docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml start

and when you are done with the container, run

docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml stop

In a new terminal in the workstation host machine, to allow GUI usage, first run,

xhost +local:docker 

then to open a bash terminal inside the workstation docker container that we started running above, run

docker exec -it workstation_computer_docker bash

Using frankapy

Frankapy can be used with the real time docker and optionally with workstation_computer docker(if you don't use a docker for workstation, build and use this frankapy)

First In your realtime pc, start the realtime computer docker with,

docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml start

and when you are done with the container, run

docker-compose -f docker/realtime_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml stop

if you are using workstation docker, in a new terminal start it with, as mentioned here to get GUI access first run,

xhost +local:docker 

then in the same terminal, run,

docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml start

and when you are done with the container, run

docker-compose -f docker/workstation_computer/docker-compose-gui.yml stop

To test the installation and setup of Frankapy,

If using workstation docker,

docker exec -it workstation_computer_docker bash
cd /root/git/frankapy 
bash ./bash_scripts/ -i (realtime computer ip) -u (realtimecomputer username) -d /root/git/franka-interface -a (robot_ip) -w (workstation IP)

to test, run

cd /root/git/tests/frankapy_control_test_scripts

If directly using host workstation and not docker,

cd <path to frankapy>/frankapy 
source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash 
bash ./bash_scripts/ -i (realtime computer ip) -u (realtimecomputer username) -d /root/git/franka-interface -a (robot_ip) -w (workstation IP)

to test, go to franka_arm_infra/tests directory in your workstation machine

cd <path to franka_arm_infra>/tests/frankapy_control_test_scripts

then run


Using calibration

Please checkout robot_toolkit/docs for documentations of robot camera extrinsic calibration, usage of this tool. We also have a video showing how to use our tool here

Using Deeplearning based prediciton models

Please checkout robot_toolkit/docs/ and robot_toolkit/docs/ for running Neural network models with GPUs.

Test robotiq gripper

To run the robotiq device, first in a terminal do

docker exec -it workstation_computer_docker bash
source ~/git/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun robotiq_2f_gripper_control /dev/ttyUSB0

Note when connecting the robotiq gripper to the workstation pc, it may open different file descriptor. In our case it was: /dev/ttyUSB0. You may check the following command to see which usb port the robotiq is connected to: ls /dev/ttyUSB*

In another terminal do

docker exec -it workstation_computer_docker bash
source ~/git/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
rosrun robotiq_2f_gripper_control

then you can try first reset the gripper by passing r and then activate the gripper by passing a.



Repository containing software infrastructure for running experiments on Franka Emika Panda Arms






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