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🏢 Enterprise Discussions
Discussions and best practices related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud, Enterprise Server, and GitHub Enterprise administration. Contact GitHub Support to open a Support ticket.
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You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Welcome to the Enterprise 🚀
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Deadline Extended: Enterprise devs help shape your future experience in just five minutes ⭐
👂 Feedback WantedGitHub is asking for your feedback EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Enterprise-owned GitHub Apps are now generally available
👂 Feedback WantedGitHub is asking for your feedback 🚀 ShippedA feature has been released 📣 ANNOUNCEMENTAnnouncements from the GitHub Community team EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server ChangelogA discussion post associated with a Changelog post -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 GitHub Enterprise Server 3.16 is now generally available 🎉
General EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server ChangelogA discussion post associated with a Changelog post -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 March ‘25 enterprise roundup - GitHub Resources
General EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Enterprise Roundup February 2025
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Community Check-InUpdates & News from GitHub Community Managers -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 [Feedback] Custom Organization Roles
Profile GHEC Product Feedback ChangelogA discussion post associated with a Changelog post -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 GHES - how can i add one person to multiple orgs and teams together ?
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Provide a way to disable emails for deployment reviews per repository/team
NotificationsKeep track of everything happening across all your projects General EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Restrict Repository Access and Visibility in a GitHub Organization
RepositoriesThe core of version-controlled code storage Organizations EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Github latest BCP date
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Renewal
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Enterprise upgrade Plan
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Personal Access Token Authorisation by OIDC SSO
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Internal/private starter workflows support for GHE
ActionsBuild, test, and automate your deployment pipeline with world-class CI/CD EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Product Feedback -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 What is the impact of a person being removed as an owner of a Github Org?
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 ERROR CREATING GITHUB ENTERPRISE
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 How to change the visibility of a github pages site?
PagesHost a static website, right from your repo EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 ISV Success program, Github Enterprise Cloud Subscription
Organizations EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server New User Help ❓New User help Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Copilot License Management
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Product Feedback -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Private Preview Feedback: GitHub Enterprise Importer (GEI) can migrated repositories with GitHub owned blob storage
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Product Feedback -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Has there ever been a request for team based Rulesets?
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Product Feedback -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Pull request showing commits that have already been merged (via fast-forward merge)
BugSomething isn't working correctly Pull Requests IssuesRepository issues let you track features, problems, and more alongside your code EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Enterprise version pricing details
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 (GitHub Enterprise Cloud) Search across all organizations in an enterprise
Code Search and NavigationSearch, navigate, and understand code on GitHub EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question Enterprise AdminTopics specifically related to GitHub Enterprise administration In BacklogGitHub is aware of this and it's in the backlog -
You must be logged in to vote 🏢 Moving from Enterprise back to Github Teams
EnterpriseDiscussions related to GitHub Enterprise Cloud and Enterprise Server Question