Oscar v1.3.1
The following gives an overview of the changes compared to the previous release. This list is not
complete, many more internal or minor changes were made, but we tried to only list those changes
which we think might affect some users directly.
Lie Theory
- #4676 Fix
s (the return value had the wrong type) - #4695 Fix
(sometimes returning wrong results) - #4695 Add
change_base_ring(::Field, ::LieAlgebra)
- #4695 Add
structure_constant_table(::LieAlgebra, basis)
Polyhedral Geometry
- #4690 SubdivisionOfPoints: reject duplicate points
Other fixed bugs
- #4696 Restore Oscar<->Singular conversion for multivariate rational function fields
Improvements or additions to documentation
- #4701 Include linear solving doc page in the Oscar docs