Releases: ciderapp/Apple-Music-Electron
3.0.0 Day!
absolutely fucking massive update. changelog is incomplete.
Note: While Apple Music Electron supports migration from old versions of the app, it is RECOMMENDED to DELETE the %appdata%/AppleMusic folder before installing the update, in some cases some the app will show blank screen if the folder is not deleted.
There are some missing packages. Give me some time to upload em.
What's Changed
- Reorder and fix bug in maximise and minimise by @greenfrogs in #177
- Upgrade discord-rpc to version 4.0.1 by @depfu in #207
- Upgrade node-fetch to version 3.0.0 by @depfu in #208
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.52.0 by @depfu in #209
- Adds a context menu on right click (on song entries) by @SiverDX in #221
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.53.0 by @depfu in #215
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.54.0 by @depfu in #226
- Upgrade git-clone to version 0.2.0 by @depfu in #229
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.55.1 by @depfu in #231
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.56.0 by @depfu in #233
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.57.1 by @depfu in #237
- Synced Lyrics by @vapormusic in #238
- Move Synced Lyrics to sidebar. by @vapormusic in #240
- Load lyricer.js only once. by @vapormusic in #241
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.58.1 by @depfu in #242
- Fix lyrics seek error alert and iTunes Match album art by @vapormusic in #243
- Fix lyrics on MacOS simulation by @vapormusic in #244
- Lyrics Translation by @vapormusic in #246
- Further lyrics fixes by @vapormusic in #247
- Rewrite Musixmatch Lyrics Integration by @vapormusic in #248
- Fix crash by @vapormusic in #250
- so basically fuck master branch yo by @cryptofyre in #251
- Fix typo so lyrics view won't bug out by @vapormusic in #252
- Stop logging lrc error message by @vapormusic in #254
- Fix exit button on music videos by @vapormusic in #255
- Allow window to be dragged on music videos by @vapormusic in #261
- Fix Lyrics fallback in some cases and add 'Play a song to see the lyrics here.' message by @vapormusic in #264
- Filter unneeded lyrics call by @vapormusic in #267
- merge by @vapormusic in #268
- oobe by @vapormusic in #270
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.59.0 by @depfu in #274
- Bugfixes by @vapormusic in #278
- Improved resolution of album image resolves #283 by @Jeve-Stobs in #284
- Audio outputs by @vapormusic in #286
- Fix crackling ?? by @vapormusic in #287
- implementation for [Enhancement] #227 by @NicolaiVdS in #288
- Added settings for #288 and added #249 by @NicolaiVdS in #291
- Dithering audio to remove some noises by @vapormusic in #292
- remove unneeded code by @vapormusic in #294
- Fix CORS errors for Itunes Match songs by @vapormusic in #296
- merge by @vapormusic in #297
- Made Lyric button have a z-index of 9999 to prevent it to become unclickable by other elements by @NicolaiVdS in #298
- Audio outputs by @vapormusic in #299
- Fix #293 - Cannot read properties of null(reading 'setAttribute') by @lucasduartesobreira in #295
- upstream by @vapormusic in #300
- Mute app system audio if Chromecast / WASAPI is on by @vapormusic in #301
- backButton: removed prefer-color-scheme check by @inalone in #303
- Lyrics on MV by @vapormusic in #306
- move to jack by @vapormusic in #307
- changed catalogid to full attribute by @NicolaiVdS in #308
- Youtube Lyrics ( on MV) by @vapormusic in #312
- move back to alsa by @vapormusic in #313
- merge by @vapormusic in #314
- Add buttons for Youtube Lyrics by @vapormusic in #315
- Audio outputs by @vapormusic in #316
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.61.0 by @depfu in #317
- revert audioworklet on chromecast by @vapormusic in #323
- Allow Chromecast and Exclusive starts before audio playing by @vapormusic in #325
- cleanup by @vapormusic in #326
- DLNA / UPnP support (except LG TVs cus it sucks) by @vapormusic in #327
- Fix MV audio, (Audio groups?) in Chromecast by @vapormusic in #332
- Some chromecast fixes by @vapormusic in #333
- Upstream by @vapormusic in #334
- fix cryptofyre's email by @vapormusic in #335
- move gc to audioworklet by @vapormusic in #338
- replace to seamless by @vapormusic in #339
- Changed instances of "seemless" to "seamless" by @inalone in #336
- Upgrade webpack to version 5.62.1 by @depfu in #341
- theme stuff by @coredev-uk in #342
- Audio outputs by @vapormusic in #343
- Upstream by @vapormusic in #344
- some fixes by @vapormusic in #347
- move from 16bit to 24 bit audio for Chromecast / WASAPI by @vapormusic in #349
- minor visual fix by @vapormusic in #350
- upstream by @vapormusic in #351
- Add bit-depth toggle for Chromecast (16bit/ 24bit) by @vapormusic in #352
- dlna toggle by @vapormusic in #353
- clear miniplayerLarge by @vapormusic in #354
- Exclusive Audio + Chromecast Backend (also Fix for Seamless Audio) by @vapormusic in #302
- Enable Exclusive Au...
Acrylic, Auth Fixes, Bug Fixes, and more!
this update is bloody massive so we shoved it into a website below
[Hotfix] Fixes for macOS Emulation and more.
This update provides a hotfix which allows the stoplights in macOS Emulation mode to function again as Apple pushed an update that broke it.
- Fixed stoplights
- Fixed Auth mode
Both were caused by an unannounced site update
Apple stop torturing us with stupid Content Security Policies and CORS requests.
Settings Menu, LastFM, Transparency, Auth fixes!
Apple Music Electron v2.4.0 - Settings Menu, LastFM, Transparency, Auth fixes!
The Apple Music Electron development team is proud to announce the release of v2.4.0.
This update fixes a TON of issues and over difficult workarounds for logging in and includes a huge visual overhaul.
- Added Settings Menu (Access with CTRL + ALT + S or using the App Settings button by clicking the profile button.)
- Added Nord Theme from @VGHS-lucaruby
- Added OLED Theme from @cryptofyre
- Added authentication mode toggle in the settings menu to allow people who cannot login to login again!
- Added LastFM support (see documentation here:
- Added macOS window emulation mode
- Added back button (available in advanced options)
- Added full Windows 11 support
- Added blur behind / acrylic transparency
- Added mpris support
- Added / Fixed macOS build CI
- Removed unneeded files and dependencies
- Fixed UI bugs
- Fixed LastFM scrobbling issues
- Updated Wiki
- Added new website!
All closed / fixed issues:
The heckin chonker update
preview image of the new Dracula theme on v2.3.0
The heckin' chonker update
This update contains a whole motherload of internal changes and user customization updates.
The big change to this update is the ability to change your user config without having to recompile the application.
On Windows:
You can find your config in the apple-music-electron folder in your documents folder.
On Linux:
You can find your config in the .config/apple-music-electron directory
On macOS:
You can find your config in the Application Support apple-music-electron directory.
- Customizable user configuration
- Added a few community themes
- Edited Dracula to look more visually appealing
- Split index.js into multiple function files and other files to make things easier to edit
- Optimized and changed a ton of features
- pacman packages can be built now by running
yarn dist -l pacman
- Made the thumbbar icons more visible on certain color preferences (dark or light)
- System colors now affect the application theme
- and more.
Media Control Update
Smaller update this time but we added some requested features that were made such as Media Controls (see below) thank @coredev-uk for these changes as most of them were made by them this time.
NOTE: WinGet package will be updated shortly and Linux packages will also be included when that happens.
- Added media controls.
- Added an option to quit the app when you right click on the taskbar (Windows only)
- Fixed a CORS issue
- Fixed some optimization issues
- webSecurity disabled apart of webPreferences
- Various promises resolved to log the resolution
- Crashed check changed to unresponsive
- Reverted AppUserModelId
The First Major Release!
I'm proud to announce the release of Apple Music Electron v2.0.0!
It's been a long time project of mine and im so glad to announce it as it contains a TON of new features and a completely code redo with brand new functions and optimizations with help from @coredev-uk.
- Added Theme Support
- Changed config.json
- Rebased the entire application
- Fixed and Reprogrammed Discord RPC
- Added Tooltips
- Added Song Notifications
- Optimized basic functions
- Sorted through Index.js to make it PR and user friendly.
- Made a new wiki page that explains most things in depth.
- Added Auto Updating
- Added new WinGet package (AppleMusicElectron)
- Code-signing on official executables
- Language Detection based on system info
First thing added was a new Discord RPC controller and Song Notification's which performs 4x faster then the original implementation back in 1.5.0
Following this new controller fixed a ton of pre-existing issues like the ones listed:
Second major thing added was theme support! You can now change your current theme and make your own themes. See the new wiki pages for this here:
Preview of the pre-existing themes:
Third major change being the new codebase and optimizations
CoreDev and I reprogrammed the entire app to perform faster and better act in favor of the config.json
file which allows you to control all the features of Apple Music Electron including themes, discord rpc, tooltips, notifications, etc.
Transparency and Widevine/Electron update!
Fixes and Customizability!
Fixes and Customizability update.
- Added the ability to pick what features you want to keep and or disable if compiling manually.
- Fixed some Widevine CDM bugs with launching the app after an update.
- Removed Apple Logo watermark in the top left. (can be reenabled with the configs in index.js see below)
- Upgraded some dependencies.
Where are these new settings?
Right here in index.js!
Whats next for this project?
CSS Themes! I really want people to have the customization they want just by plugging in a .css file somewhat like BetterDiscord and whatnot.
Discord RPC Bug Fixes
v1.5.7 Discord RPC Bug Fixes
This update was primarily made to fix some bugs with Discord RPC that have been bugging me and the community for a while. These should have been fixed now as they have been in my personal testing.
- Added an additional fallback state to ensure it doesn't falsely mark as paused.
- Removed some unused dependency's.
- Cleaned up the code a bit.
- Removed some unneeded functions.
- Made Electron v12.0.0-beta29 the default electron version for compatibility reasons.