Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
2.3.0 (2017-12-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Exclude property on serialization, but not on deserialization #619
- Stopwatch Subscriber not found (SF4) #617
- Problem deserialize xml with namespace: xmlns="\#" in tag root #613
- Add support for kernel.cache_warmer #611
- Symfony 4 - Class 'jms_serializer.stopwatch_subscriber' not found #610
- v2.0.0: The "name" property of directories must be given - but must we specify directories? #607
- Add symfony/translation to required bundles #606
- Integrate schmittjoh/serializer#22 #603
Merged pull requests:
- Update Packagist link #622 (thePanz)
- Use stable symfony #621 (goetas)
- make it possible to decorate services #620 (xabbuh)
- support lazily loaded event listeners and handlers #618 (xabbuh)
- Symfony 4 issues with private aliases #616 (goetas)
- Full Symfony 4 compatibility #605 (goetas)
2.2.0 (2017-09-29)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- The FormErrorHandler forces the translation domain to 'validators' #501
- Documentation incorrectly states that a handler service can be private #260
Merged pull requests:
2.1.0 (2017-08-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Allow event listener/susbcriber services to be private #593
- Date deserialization (DateTime object) #582
- Allow listeners and event subscribers to be private #594 (goetas)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Gedmo Unrecognized field: createdAt - Error! #599
- Array deserialization problem #597
- Integrate JMSSerializer into Symfony PropertyInfo? #591
- Yml config should allow to configure the default accessType and readOnly options #586
- Can't use symfony serializer when requesting the id "serializer" #583
- XML Collection names and null values #581
- Not work for Symfony 3.3? #579
- possible to register a handler that will compare against abstract classes #577
Merged pull requests:
- Added assertions to private services tests #595 (bgaleotti)
- Change min stability #592 (goetas)
- install stable dependencies when possible #588 (xabbuh)
- [Composer] Upgrade required php version #587 (lchrusciel)
- Run tests on ubuntu trusty #585 (goetas)
- Improve the autowiring configuration #584 (stof)
- compatibility with Symfony 4 #576 (xabbuh)
2.0.0 (2017-05-17)
Closed issues:
- Remove short "serializer" alias #558
- Check for broken serialization metadata mappings #534
- Serializing traits with JMSSerializer and YAML #424
- Add kernel.cache_clearer and/or kernel.cache_warmer support #415
1.5.0 (2017-05-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added configuration options for recent doctrine improvements #570 (goetas)
- Allow autowiring serializer #568 (Tobion)
- Added runtime twig extension support (significant performance improvements) #563 (goetas)
Fixed bugs:
- Arrays beginning with index 1 are parsed as an object #375
- serializing a json array using {} instead of [] #373
Closed issues:
- [BUG] Metadata PhpDriver always beats AnnotationDriver in DriverChain #567
- requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages #566
- Missing configuration for doctrine object constructor #565
- Performance issue #562
- Missing configuration option for lazy virtual proxy initialization #539
- SerializationListener not being called for sub entities after upgrading to 1.1.0 #514
- Can't override third party serializer config file #511
- registering callback with a specific class name doesn't work . #508
- change serialized name of a property when it is in a specific group #457
- Serializing stdClass with arbitrary depth #414
- Usage of @Groups #382
- Serializing a stdClass #158
- Add support for Traits (PHP 5.4) #102
- @ExclusionPolicy("all") is not respected by the parent classes #100
Merged pull requests:
1.4.0 (2017-04-10)
Closed issues:
- Document how to prevent JMS serializer from overriding Symfony serializer #513
- AccessorOrder : properties vs virtualProperty #512
- Specify @Serializer/Group for @Discriminator field #506
- Ignore entity and/or subentity based on attribute value #499
- How to change Strategy #493
- AccessorOrder is ignored #488
- When serializing subentities discriminator value is always added to serialized output #479
- Serialized name "id" #461
- Jms serializer @JMS\Inline() annotation overrides an actual id #460
- @JMS\Serializer\Annotation\Type("DateTime<'c'>") doesn't works properly #459
- Custom Class Type Mapping #446
- Return an array instead of object #439
- Serializer does not seem to visit virtual properties recursively #429
- filtering doctrine entites with
#419 - [Feature] Apply exclusión policity by groups #401
- DateTime ISO8601 in PHP doesnt support milliseconds #395
- custom handler documentation #379
- Question: How to serialize data for KNP paginator which is using Solarium Subscriber. #374
- Error View::create #365
- Propel Collection Handler is not registered #349
- Cannot redeclare class doctrine\orm\mapping\annotation #339
- get a error of JMSSerializerBundle in Symfony2.3.4 and ODM #320
- DoctrineObjectConstructor doesn't work with id as attribute #305
- Performance issue - Help needed for optimization #281
- GraphNavigator - Marked as Final #238
- Error when using yml for FormErrors #221
- Can't configurate class which is in global namespace with YAML or XML #217
- VirtualProperties called after postSerialize triggers #216
Merged pull requests:
- Use svg build badge #560 (hanneskaeufler)
1.3.1 (2017-03-29)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Alias not working any more with 1.3 #559
Closed issues:
- What's the purpose of 'id' under 'property_naming' namespace in configuration. #522
- "fos_rest.serializer" must implement FOS\RestBundle\Serializer\Serializer (instance of "JMS\Serializer\Serializer" given). #509
- is not used? Property way to override the naming strategy #449
- add option to alias field names #433
1.3.0 (2017-03-28)
Closed issues:
- Force uppermost level of output json as object #555
- PreSerializationListener not being called anymore after updating #554
- Are there any way to select entity fields dinamically? #496
- Ability to add custom exclusion strategies and override existing one #489
- On virtual properties would be great to be able to use symfony language expression #403
- Get metadata from doctrine ORM when PHPCR-ODM is present not working #389
- Symfony 2.3 Form serialization #309
Merged pull requests:
- Expression language tests #553 (goetas)
- Added handler tests #552 (goetas)
- Allow service parameters in listener class name #551 (goetas)
- Fix metadata directories loading where path is just a bundle name #550 (goetas)
- Expression language based virtual properties #545 (goetas)
1.2.1 (2017-03-13)
Closed issues:
Merged pull requests:
1.2.0 (2017-02-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Added expression language support #544 (goetas)
- Context factories #543 (goetas)
- Add "formatOutput" option to DI #527 (AyrtonRicardo)
Closed issues:
- All services are broken #541
- Blank XML breaks XmlDeserializationVisitor error handling #540
- Customize the serialization of an empty string for XML #538
- Symfony 3.1 support #533
- Warning: JMS\Serializer\XmlDeserializationVisitor::visitArray(): Node no longer exists #532
- Configurable defaults (groups) for serialization #530
- Setup Problem #525
- Symfony 3 'json' method gives errors with JMS #523
- Unable to install with composer :( #520
- Unable to override default handlers #519
- Error in security.access.decision_manager service in Symfony 3.1 #518
- Twig deprecation in Serializer #516
- Exclude the "discriminator" column for serialized entities #515
- Installation issues using composer #507
- PHP7 compatibility #502
- Float with no decimals are automatically converted to int #497
- Default context for serialization #495
- If no group is defined on SerializationContext all fields with exposed true for groups are exposed #491
- Select attributes in a self referencing field #480
- The document for yml configuration is confusing, why yml configuration is not working? #477
- Fix PHP requirements inside composer.json #465
- Serialize entity with Router dependency #458
- Enable @Expose on code #456
- Custom handlers on primitive values #455
- Add server url to image on serialization #451
- PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in JMS/Serializer/Serializer.php on line 99 #450
- Problem with namespace for XMLList #438
- Discriminator bug fix by upgrading required src #423
- Exclude based on condition #422
- When serialized collection of extendend objects returns {/*...*/} and must be [/*..*/] #418
- Serialization manyToOne with yml configutaion #411
- Can I set JSON_FORCE_OBJECT for 1 specific serialization, not for the entire project in config.yml ? #410
- Fatal error: Invalid opcode 153/1/8 #408
- if DiExtraBundle not available, JMSSerializer crash #392
- Wrong Json Response #387
- custom type using a custom handler for primitives #385
- Serialize custom properties of entities #377
- Reflection Exception after upgrade from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 #369
- ServiceNotFoundException: You have requested a non-existent service "serializer" #368
- Question: How can i generate formated response for JSON. #367
- Include Entity Name in JSON #364
- serialize_null setting without effect for arrays containing NULL values? #361
- [Feature request] Relations Serialization Strategy #358
- Documentation error for installation in AppKernel.php: #354
- Expected object but got array when serialize ArrayCollection of intermediate entity. #350
- 0.13 stable tag #344
- Composer error minimum-stability #330
- Unexpected extra requests when working with doctrine tree extension. #326
- Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded #306
- @Accessor not works in sf2.3 #304
- Instalation in symfony 2.3 #301
- Doctrine entity Symfony2 #288
- serialize_null configuration #287
- Fatal Error: Cannot redeclare class doctrine\orm\mapping\annotation in /vagrant/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php line 183 #286
- Unable to install on Symfony 2.2 #285
- FatalErrorException: Error: Call to undefined method JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder::serialize() #278
- Add support for wildcard serialization group #269
- Prevent Doctrine Entities from Serializing #263
- XML serialization of URLs fail #230
- custom visitor #218
Merged pull requests:
- Release v1.2.0 preview #546 (goetas)
- Improve build info and CI #542 (goetas)
- Fix bad Tag name in error message #454 (lemoinem)
1.1.0 (2015-11-10)
Closed issues:
- Twig_Function_Method class is deprecated since version 1.12 #490
- Depreciated Twig calls #487
- JMSSerializerBundle and FOSUser not working #486
- Documentation is down #481
- Eror while composer install #478
- GenericSerializationVisitor::addData ALWAYS throws Exception #473
- Folder (or namespace) issue on subscriber #472
- PreSerialize + Groups #471
- Fails to serialize after deleting or renaming a field. #467
- JMSSerializerBundle overwriting Symfony's Serializer without configurable option #462
- Tag #421
Merged pull requests:
- enabled Symfony 3.0 support #492 (lsmith77)
- Add PHP 7 on Travis #474 (Soullivaneuh)
- add enable_short_alias in YAML config reference #463 (ghost)
- Fix jms_serializer.infer_types_from_doctrine_metadata usage #430 (magnetik)
1.0.0 (2015-06-23)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Not. #443
- Cache Warmup #441
- SerializeNull #440
- Expose the same entity as part of child attributes #420
- PreSerialize Proxy Class #407
- Overwriting Properties in different API Versions #406
- DateTime deserialization does not work properly. #400
- Using jms_serializer.cache_naming_strategy.class overrides @SerializedName annotation #397
- Naming strategy for embedded form #396
- Warning: Erroneous data format for unserializing object constructor #394
- Discriminator over attribute #393
- Update composer to request for a newer version of serializer #388
- Anotation "@Enum" was never imported error #380
- Cannot pass shorthand entity class name to deserialize method #378
- Deserialize json array to array of entities #376
- Unable to use CustomHandler #370
- Serialization of array of entities #363
- Data filtering in related entity #362
- boolean values not serialized when value is null. #356
- Add support for \Serializable objects #355
- perform default deserialization in the custom handler #353
- @Type resolve interfaces #352
- Class 'DoctrinePHPCRTypeDriver' not found #346
- YAML/XML Reference and class inheritance #333
- Can't define a virtual property in a xml config file #316
- SerializeNull documentation #276
- Detecting serializion groups in the serialize listeners #264
Merged pull requests:
- [Travis] test lowest dependencies #444 (boekkooi)
- ContextErrorException: call_user_func() expects parameter 1 to be... #435 (umpirsky)
- Fix error in code #417 (wouterj)
- Applied standard installation template #416 (wouterj)
- [Doc - Configuration] Fix yaml code-block #402 (Peekmo)
- Added more PHP versions and HHVM #399 (Nyholm)
- Documentation Fix: When registering an event listener, you have to additional attribute "cl... #360 (epicwhale)
- Fix "Changing the Object Constructor" doc samples #359 (hanneskaeufler)
0.13.0 (2013-12-05)
Closed issues:
- "array" type: Not working for arrays of DateTime objects #343
- Annotation which would generate subresource's uri instead of subresource's properties for many-to-one relations #342
- Add documentation mirror #338
- Custom_Handlers Documentation Old/Outdated? #337
- Please update to use newer parser version #335
- How to get data in the service onPostSerialize? #331
- method setGroup not find in web service Rest #329
- symfony 2.1 to 2.2 #328
- Undefined method getChildren Symfony 2.3 #327
- Serialization die because memory consumption #324
- Clarify the documentation ! #323
- recursion detected in JsonSerializationVisitor.php on line 29 #322
- Property serialized as object instead of array #321
- Can't install in Symfony 2.3.3 #319
- Version 0.12 #318
- Serializer doesn't serialize nested objects correctly #317
- Annotation MaxDepth #315
- How use the @Groups ? #314
- remove JMSDiExtraBundle dependency #294
- How can I force a property to serialize even if it's null? #293
- No handling of namespaces #135
Merged pull requests:
- Add support for cdata parameter on DateTimeHandler #345 (mvrhov)
- composer is preinstalled on travis #341 (lsmith77)
- [WIP] added support for PHPCR #340 (lsmith77)
- Integrate serialization with the stopwatch #334 (adrienbrault)
- Added instructions to change the object constructor #325 (pkruithof)
- fix typo in RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass #310 (i4got10)
- Fixed namespace in installation instructions #279 (mweimerskirch)
0.12.0 (2013-07-29)
Closed issues:
- @ExclusionPolicy("all") is not respected by the parent classes #311
- Symfony 2.1 - can't install jmsSerializerBundle via composer #307
- Json encode problem : array(0 => 'A', 1 => 'B') => ['A', 'B'] array(1 => 'B', 2 => 'C') => {1: "B", 2: "C" #302
- Custom property naming strategy #300
- ReflectionException: Class JMS\Serializer\EventDispatcher\Subscriber\DoctrineProxySubscriber does not exist #297
- Error on last composer update : jms/serializer lib removed ! #295
- Output JSON and Specialchars #289
- Symfony 2.2 - can't install jmsSerializerBundle via composer #283
- The annotation "@JMS\SerializerBundle\Annotation\ExclusionPolicy" does not exist #282
- 'public_method' access requires redundant property in class #280
- 0.11.0 and Symfony 2.2 #274
- Exclusion Policies aren't properly applied when "serializeNull" is "true" #272
- Empty Objects get serialized as "array()" #271
- Can't use bundle with Symfony 2.1 #268
- xml-root-name not working #262
Merged pull requests:
- make JMSDiExtraBundle dependency optional #313 (lsmith77)
- Update composer.json #303 (blaugueux)
- Typo in #298 (biozshock)
- Fixed serializer library reference in PHP templating helper. #277 (rafalwrzeszcz)
- Fixed the composer requirements #275 (stof)
0.11.0 (2013-02-12)
Closed issues:
- Exclusion policy for entity relationships #266
- Symfony 2.1.7 composer error #265
- Incorrect installation procedure in documentation #258
- Strange caching-error #257
- Missing dependency when installing with composer #256
- Deserialization to ArrayCollection not working as expected #255
- Unsupported format doesn't throw exception anymore #254
- Doc Refactoring: Annotations must use the SerializerBundle namespace #250
- Problem with composer #249
- DateTimeHandler::serializeDateTimeToJson() - Argument must be an instance of DateTime, null given #248
- add compatibility with Symfony2 serializer interface #244
- Adding new formats by aliassing existing #241
- JMS\Parser\AbstractParser not find #237
- During TypeScanning Never Load From Database #228
- Traversable objects serialized as objects, not as arrays #224
- Lazy loader and setSerializeNull exception #207
- i18n-ize the DateTimeHandler using IntlDateFormatter #147
- Add a new AccessType to allow for __call() #104
- AccessType - Not working for unserialization #89
- add a depth exclusion strategy #61
Merged pull requests:
- Fixed messages of exceptions in CustomHandlersPass #267 (yethee)
- [Easy-pick] Fixed a few typos in the documentation #261 (csarrazi)
- renamed DateTimeHandler to new DateHandler #252 (simonchrz)
- add the fact that there is a 0.10 release #245 (lsmith77)
- PHP templating helper. #208 (rafalwrzeszcz)
0.10 (2012-11-17)
Closed issues:
- xml_root_name not working #227
- Error in serialization #212
- Strange behavior with groups : relation is no more serialized #200
- Cannot guess property of type array<subType> #199
- [RuntimeException] on composer update #193
- Arrays keys are lost on XML #192
- RFC: Refactoring Custom Handlers #190
- Relation OneToMany, How can I exclude the fields of the relationship? #184
- memory exhausted when serializing #182
- [LogicException] Container extension "jms_serializer" is not registered #181
- Implementations of ArrayAccess always serialize to array (ignore field annotation) #179
- Configured order of custom handlers is ignored #174
- Tagged releases #171
- Incorrect datetime format in documentation #153
- Add an ObjectConstructor which can load an object from the database #141
- Cannot handle both Date and DateTime #134
- Collection Objects for Xml Serialization #124
- Serializing a collection of mixed objects #117
- add support for to force json hash maps to numerically ordered arrays #57
- "PropertyName" Naming Strategy #49
- [Enhancement] Serializing using JSON referencing for referenced objects #32
Merged pull requests:
- Changes from Automatic Review #232 (JMSBot)
- Changes from Automatic Review #231 (JMSBot)
- Detect malformed group names #229 (Seldaek)
- fix doctrine ODM persistent collections #226 (MDrollette)
- Changes from Automatic Review #220 (JMSBot)
- Fix doctrine persistent collections not serializing #219 (baldurrensch)
- Changes from Automatic Review #214 (JMSBot)
- fix lazy loader setSerializeNull #211 (hashnz)
- Re enable ConstraintViolationHandler #203 (rpg600)
- Re enable the FormErrorHandler #202 (adrienbrault)
- Allow access to Serializer's visitors getter #201 (adrienbrault)
- PHP 5.3.6 Bug Resolved #198 (emgiezet)
- Array typed as hashes (array<X,X>), are now correctly serialized when empty #197 (adrienbrault)
- Fix RegisterEventListenersAndSubscribersPass & event_subscribers service accessibility #196 (adrienbrault)
- Update Resources/doc/handlers.rst #195 (adrienbrault)
- Services tagged with "jms_serializer.subscribing_handler" should be public #194 (adrienbrault)
- [WIP] adds an event system #189 (schmittjoh)
- Pass object to each exclusion strategy class, take two #187 (Seldaek)
- Added DoctrineObjectConstructor #185 (guilhermeblanco)
- Support whitelist for xml document types #183 (michelsalib)
- Nullable #177 (hashnz)
- Fix deserialization with custom handlers #169 (eugene-dounar)
- Add an XmlAttributeMap #164 (adrienbrault)
0.9.0 (2012-09-20)
Closed issues:
- @XMLList ignores child @XMLRoot and @XMLAttribute #176
- How to exclude fields from the associated objects? #173
- Inheritance issue #167
- Cannot deserialize attributes that are camelCased #166
- Passing arguments to an accessor method #165
- Cant update with composer #162
- Support for limiting nesting level #161
- Default to @ExclusionPolicy("ALL") instead of "NONE" #159
- YAML Reference doesn't have an example for "accessor" #148
- No way to specify accessor_setter using YAML #146
- @VirtualProperty methods are not exposed when used with @ExclusionPolicy("ALL") #137
- Unexpected results serializing classes implementing Interator(Aggregate) #136
- Handle Type names case-insenstive #133
- Add support for Doctrine Annotations #131
- JMSSerializerBundle without symfony ? #128
- Entity serialization issue #126
- Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Annotation in vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Mapping/Annotation.php on line 22 #123
- joinTable error with a single table inheritance join #119
- Persisting MongoDB Documents with ReferenceOne after deserialization #118
- DateTime deserialization + Accessor(setter) bug? #115
- Partial Object Support #114
- Tests failing for AccessorOrder #113
- Fatal error when a serialized object contains a resource #112
- Notice: Undefined offset: 15 in /vendor/bundles/JMS/SerializerBundle/Metadata/PropertyMetadata.php line 113 #110
- Fatal error #108
- Serialization Groups Improvements #107
- Serialization to native PHP? #106
- make it possible to combine exclusion strategies #105
- Make use of Doctrine annotations #103
- Undefined offset: 14 in JMS/SerializerBundle/Metadata/PropertyMetadata.php line 110 #97
- Undefined index error #95
- Use array keys as xml tag #92
- Customized attributes in JSON #91
- Allow for custom metadata #87
- Notice generated in PropertyMetadata, causes PHPUnit to throw Notice exception #86
- [Enhancement] Properties without setter are read-only #85
- ArrayNodeDefinition::defaultValue() #83
- Serialize to array #82
- Change state inside getter #80
- Disable serializer for FOSUserBundle entities #78
- Readme fix #77
- Error in circular references (function nesting level of '100' reached) #72
- Documentation missing vital step #71
- Metadata definition only in last class hiearchy. #69
- Serialization groups #60
- Support for serializing arrays to XML #59
- make it possible to force numeric indexing in XmlCollection #56
- Class 'Metadata\Driver\LazyLoadingDriver' not found #55
- The annotation "@proxy" was never imported #51
- Doctrine ODM proxies serialization and hooks #50
- serializing an array of objects using SerializationHandlerInterface #48
- problem with metadata bundle version #47
- Slow initialization when enabling the bundle #44
- Bug in boolean deserialization ? #43
- Deserialization visitor is not using custom handlers #37
- Make it possible to deserialize content into property #35
- Doctrine Proxy Class Serialization #34
- PreSerialize not executing #31
- make it possible to control the order of the handlers #30
- Proxy class serialization #27
- Unable to use Resource identifier for directories path in confing.yml #26
- support NormalizeableInterface #21
- date_default_timezone_get() #14
- please add vendor prefix to repo name #11
- how to set a custom normalizer for a 3rd party class that matches the native normalizer #9
- tighter control over normalizer order #6
- add an AnnotatedNormalizer service #4
Merged pull requests:
- Add missing use. #175 (armetiz)
- Fixed missing support for Accessor in YamlDriver #156 (wheelsandcogs)
- readonly flag should be set before setter, because the setter depends on that being set #154 (mvrhov)
- Options for json_encode #151 (megazoll)
- Always expose virtual properties by default #145 (Lumbendil)
- Support for xmlKeyValuePairs in xml and yml metadata driver #143 (Spea)
- Do not ask for setter if the property is defined as @ReadOnly #138 (arghav)
- Added an upper bound on the composer constraint #130 (stof)
- Added support for using the keys of an array as XML tag. #129 (Spea)
- fix xml reference #127 (gimler)
- Added fix for nested element with attribute and value #125 (matthiasnoback)
- Use composer to install development requirements #120 (mvrhov)
- Add @Virtual annotation #109 (anyx)
- Fixed typo on the composer installation instructions #99 (ruimarinho)
- Add the Groups feature #96 (chregu)
- Fixed throwing exception in case of callback method doesn't exist for the yaml driver #94 (AlexKovalevych)
- Support for @ReadOnly annotation #90 (ruudk)
- renamed method to getConfiguration() to support config:dump-reference #88 (lsmith77)
- [Configuration] Sync with upstream symfony2.1 #84 (helmer)
- added missed use statement #79 (cystbear)
- Add documentation on how to override class metadata #76 (mvrhov)
- Inline support for properties #75 (mvrhov)
- Make tests run when doctrine >= 2.2 #74 (mvrhov)
- Extend accessor setting for XML driver #73 (yethee)
- Add forgotten sprintf support for thrown exceptions in XmlSerializationV... #68 (richardfullmer)
- Removed backup files #67 (helmer)
- Case insensitivity for boolean and exclusion policy #66 (mvrhov)
- Changed xml and yml drivers in such way that only excluded or exposed #65 (mvrhov)
- update datetime part of configuration to match the code #64 (mvrhov)
- Update composer.json, BC with the metadata library #63 (yethee)
- Twig filter access to serializer #62 (jonotron)
- made the handling of Doctrine proxies generic #58 (lsmith77)
- Added a missing convertion the SimpleXMLElement to a string. #53 (yethee)
- Fix undefined variable #52 (yethee)
- Implement the handler of serialization to process the proxy of Doctrine ORM #46 (yethee)
- add composer.json #45 (igorw)
- added a note on how to control the handler order #42 (lsmith77)
- Changed installation documentation. #41 (michalpipa)
- Updated installation section of doc #40 (dustin10)
- Corrected typo in custom handler service tag. #38 (michalpipa)
- Make it possible to deserialize content into property #36 (michelsalib)
- Fix docs #33 (cystbear)
- cast XmlElement to string #29 (rande)
- About issue #26 #28 (ftassi)
- typo fix in object_based handler config #24 (lsmith77)
- check if the data implements SerializationHandlerInterface and in that ca #23 (lsmith77)
- Corrected github location of repo #22 (dsyph3r)
- Updated the documentation #20 (yethee)
- Fixed missing
modificator of method #19 (yethee) - Serialization handler for the constraint violations #18 (yethee)
- Added support serialization the nested form errors. #17 (yethee)
- Form error handler #16 (yethee)
- Fixed value of the parameter jms_serializer.unserialize_object_constructor.class #15 (yethee)
- Fix libxml_get_last_error() string converting in xml driver and added mor #13 (patashnik)
- Fixed typo #12 (yethee)
- put the custom normalizers first #10 (lsmith77)
- added priority support for normalizer order (fix for #6) #8 (lsmith77)
- sync API with PR 832 #3 (lsmith77)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator