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1458 lines (1279 loc) · 59.2 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and the project adheres to Semantic Versioning since version 1.3.0.


  • Python 3.13 support (PR #619, solves issue #608).
  • NumPy 2.0 support (PR #614 by @cvanelteren, solves issue #604).
  • Automated wheels for x86_64 and arm64 (PR #620 by @cvanelteren, solves issue #608).


  • BREAKING CHANGE: Set Python minimum supported version to 3.9.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Migrate basemap libraries to use implicit namespace packages (PR #576 by @ksunden).
  • Migrate workflows to use cibuildwheel (PRs #614 and #618 by @cvanelteren and PR #621, solves GitHub artifact actions v1 sunset).
  • Update library dependencies:
    • Upgrade upper limit for basemap_data to 3.0.
    • Upgrade lower limit for packaging to 20.5.
    • Upgrade upper limit for packaging to 25.0.
    • Upgrade lower limit for numpy to 2.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for numpy to 2.3.
    • Upgrade lower limit for matplotlib to 3.4.
    • Upgrade upper limit for matplotlib to 3.11.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pyproj to 3.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pyproj to 3.8.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pyshp to 2.0.
  • Update optional library dependencies:
    • Upgrade lower limit for pillow to 10.3 due to vulnerabilities CVE-2023-50447 and CVE-2024-28219.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pillow to 11.2.
    • Upgrade upper limit for OWSLib to 0.33.
  • Update doc dependencies:
    • Upgrade upper limit for sphinx to 8.0.
    • Upgrade lower limit for furo to 2023.9.10.
    • Upgrade upper limit for furo to 2024.8.7.
    • Upgrade lower limit for scipy to 1.6.
    • Upgrade upper limit for scipy to 1.16.
    • Upgrade upper limit for netCDF4 to 1.8.0.
  • Update lint dependencies:
    • Remove dependency on unittest2.
    • Upgrade lower limit for flake8 to 3.9.
    • Upgrade upper limit for flake8 to 7.2.
    • Upgrade lower limit for astroid to 3.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for astroid to 3.4.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pylint to 3.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pylint to 3.4.
  • Update test dependencies:
    • Remove dependency on unittest2.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pytest to 7.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pytest to 8.4.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pytest-cov to 3.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pytest-cov to 6.1.
    • Downgrade lower limit for coverage to 5.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for coverage to 7.7.


  • Fix Cython extension to use noexcept (PR #615 by @cvanelteren).


  • Deprecated bdist_wheel.universal option when building wheels.

1.4.1 - 2024-02-15


  • Update workflow actions to use NodeJS 20:
    • Update base actions from v3 to v4 when possible (actions/checkout, actions/upload-artifact and actions/download-artifact).
    • Update jwlawson/actions-setup-cmake from v1.13 to v2.0.
  • Update base image for basemap-data and basemap-data-hires GitHub workflows to use Debian 10.


  • Set recursive exclusion for .DS_Store folders in
  • Fix broken implementation and docstrings of Basemap.arcgisimage method (PR #598 by @nitram96).

1.4.0 - 2024-01-09


  • Support for Python 3.12 (solves issue #590).
  • Complete support for basemap in conda-forge channel for the major platforms on x64 and for MacOS on arm64 (solves issue #286).
  • Precompiled wheels for MacOS x64 and arm64 on PyPI (solves issues #447 and #574).
  • Renewed documentation, with fixes for the broken links and examples, an improved section on the installation process, and without the deprecation/sunsetting section (solves issues #438, #471, #527 and #568).
  • Optional argument encoding_errors for Basemap.readshapefile method (PR #554 by @guziy, implements request #552).
  • Optional argument cachedir for Basemap.arcgisimage method to allow caching of ArcGIS image downloads (PR #562 by @JoepdeJong).


  • Upgrade bundled GEOS library to 3.6.5.
  • Create optional library requirements files:
    • requirements-owslib.txt for optional dependency OWSLib.
      • Set OWSLib lower limit to 0.28.1 for Python 3.6+ due to vulnerability CVE-2023-27476.
    • requirements-pillow.txt for optional dependency pillow:
      • Upgrade pillow upper limit to 10.2.0.
  • Update library dependencies:
    • Upgrade upper limit for numpy to 1.27.0.
    • Upgrade upper limit for matplotlib to 3.9.0.
    • Downgrade upper limit for pyproj to 2.2.0 for Python 2.7.
    • Set dependency on packaging as replacement for distutils.
  • Update build dependencies:
    • Upgrade upper limit for Cython to 3.1.
  • Update doc dependencies and require at least Python 3.8 for them:
    • Upgrade upper limit for sphinx to 7.2.
    • Upgrade upper limit for furo to 2023.9.11.
    • Move dependency on netCDF4 to requirements-doc.txt.
    • Set dependency on cftime explicitly in requirements-doc.txt.
    • Set dependency on scipy explicitly in requirements-doc.txt.
  • Update lint dependencies:
    • Downgrade upper limit for flake8 to 6.2.
    • Upgrade upper limit for astropy to 3.1.
    • Upgrade lower limit for pylint to 3.1.
  • Update test dependencies:
    • Upgrade upper limit for pytest to 7.5.
    • Upgrade upper limit for coverage to 7.4.
    • Upgrade upper limit for pytest-cov to 4.2.


  • Reimplement matplotlib version checks without using distutils and remove old switches related to unsupported matplotlib versions.
  • Hide FutureWarning in Basemap.arcgisimage and Basemap.wmsimage methods due to old initialisation EPSG string used with pyproj.Proj.
  • Fix DeprecationWarning in Basemap.imshow and Basemap.shiftdata methods.
  • Fix DeprecationWarning in internal function _validated_ll.
  • Set MSVC 14.0 (VS2015) to build the _geoslib module in the precompiled Windows wheels (PR #565).
  • Fix _geoslib.pyx compilation with Cython 3.0+ using the compiler directive "legacy_implicit_noexcept" (PR #593 by @musicinmybrain).
  • Fix _geoslib.pyx syntax to comply with newer compilers such as Clang 16 and GCC 14 (PR #595 by @fweimer-rh).
  • Apply basic cleanup of _geoslib.pyx source code (i.e. basic linting, removal of commented code, version update).
  • Fix breaking change from matplotlib 3.8 due to the promotion of QuadContourSet objects into Artist objects, which affected Basemap.contour, Basemap.contourf and Basemap.nightshade (solves issue #594, thanks to @qianwu2 and @rcomer).


  • Use of unicode literals within the library.
  • Attribute __version__ in mpl_toolkits.basemap.proj module.
  • Module mpl_toolkits.basemap.test, whose content is migrated to the test suite in the test folder.
  • Dependency on dedent function (either as alias of inspect.cleandoc or the deprecated matplotlib.cbook.dedent) to write multi-line error messages.

1.3.9 - 2023-12-26


  • Fix GeosLibrary wrapper to also work with CMake >= 3.27.0 and Python 2.7 on Windows by adding '/MANIFEST:NO' to override the new default '/MANIFEST:EMBED,ID=2' provided to linker.
  • Fix broken Proj.__call__ when the input arguments are provided as a combined single array.
  • Fix flipped coastlines with pseudocylindrical projections when lon_0 is greater than 0 deg (solves issues #443 and #463, thanks to @YilongWang).
  • Fix antialiased argument being ignored in Basemap.drawcounties and Basemap.readshapefile (solves issue #501, thanks to @TheFizzWare).
  • Fix BaseGeometry.intersection in _geoslib so that it also works with GEOS_GEOMETRYCOLLECTION objects returned by GEOSIntersection (solves issue #566, where country boundaries are missing due to this bug, thanks to @guidocioni).
  • Fix bug with elliptical maps causing warped images (Blue Marble, ETOPO, Shaded Relief) to be shown behind the map background when the map boundary is not initialised manually (solves issue #577, thanks to @YilongWang).
  • Fix references to removed numpy.float alias (solves issue #589, thanks to @quickbrett).
  • Fix wrong reference to example in FAQ, which should be instead, and fix wrong use of locals and invalid syntax in this example (solves issue #592, thanks to @timcoote).

1.3.8 - 2023-08-18


  • Upgrade numpy upper pin to 1.26.
  • Upgrade pyproj upper pin to 3.7.
  • Upgrade optional pillow upper pin to 10.1.0.
  • Upgrade documentation and linting dependencies.


  • Fix Cygwin build error due to GCC passing "--enable-new-dtags" to the linker (PR #582 by @DWesl, solves issue #579).
  • Fix deprecated Image.ANTIALIAS with Image.LANCZOS when pillow version is at least 10.0.0 (PR #580 by @cgohlke).
  • Downgrade upper pin for Cython requirement from 3.1 to 3.0 due to build error triggered by _geoslib.pyx (solves issues #581 and #583).
  • Downgrade numpy lower pin to numpy >= 1.21 for Python >= 3.8, whose upgrade is delayed until basemap 1.4.0.

1.3.7 - 2023-05-04


  • Upgrade numpy upper pin to 1.25.
  • Upgrade matplotlib upper pin to 3.8 (solves issue #573).
  • Upgrade pyproj upper pin to 3.6.
  • Upgrade test dependency netCDF4 upper pin to 1.7.
  • Upgrade test dependency pillow lower pin to 9.4 due to vulnerability CVE-2022-45198.

1.3.6 - 2022-10-31


  • Support for Python 3.11 (PR #563, solves issue #561).
  • Optional argument toolset in method.


  • Upgrade matplotlib upper pin to 3.7.
  • Upgrade pyproj upper pin to 3.5.


  • Set MSVC 14.0 (VS2015) to build the GEOS library bundled in the precompiled Windows wheels (PR #564).

1.3.5 - 2022-10-25


  • Fix broken array slicing inside addcyclic (PR #559, solves issue #555, thanks to @fragkoul).
  • Fix GeosLibrary wrapper to also work with GEOS >= 3.7.0 on Windows and GNU/Linux.
  • Fix wrong Antarctica coastline boundary with GEOS >= 3.9.0 (PR #560, solves issue #522).

1.3.4 - 2022-08-10


  • Upgrade numpy upper pin to 1.24.
  • Upgrade pyshp upper pin to 2.4.
  • Upgrade sphinx upper pin to 5.0 and require at least Python 3.6 to build the docs.


  • Update numpy build dependency to ensure that builds also work on MacOS (fixes issue #547, thanks to @SongJaeIn for testing).
  • Fix broken implementation of Basemap.arcgisimage (PR #548, solves issues #481, #546 and #591).
  • Enforce up-to-date numpy dependency when possible:
  • Enforce up-to-date pillow dependency when possible:
    • Set pillow >= 9.0.1 for Python >= 3.7 due to pillow vulnerability CVE-2022-24303.

1.3.3 - 2022-05-11


  • Reformat using flake8 and black.


  • Fix issue in drawcoastlines with shape of vertices array (PR #538 by @guziy, fixes issue #512).
  • Fix setup to identify GEOS dylib on MacOS correctly (PR #541, fixes issue #539, thanks to @ronaldbradford and @CaffreyR for testing).


  • Remove dependency on six (PR #537, fixes issue #536).

1.3.2 - 2022-02-10


  • Add "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu" to list of candidate locations to search the GEOS library during installation.


  • Split lint and test requirements into two separate files.



  • Remove deprecation notices (issue #527).

1.3.1 - 2022-01-22


  • Support for Python 3.10 (issues #530 and #531).


  • Upgrade numpy upper pin to 1.23.
  • Upgrade matplotlib upper pin to 3.6.
  • Upgrade development requirements for Python 3.10.
  • Move doc folder into packages/basemap.


  • Fix error message when trying to load high- and full-resolution datasets without installing the basemap-data-hires package.

1.3.0 - 2021-12-28


  • Precompiled binary wheels available in PyPI.
  • Complete workflow to build the project wheels for Windows and GNU/Linux using GitHub Actions.


  • Reorganise the package structure. In summary, the former basemap package is split in three:

    • basemap itself contains the Python modules.
    • basemap-data contains the mandatory data assets required by basemap to provide minimal functionality.
    • basemap-data-hires contains the high-resolution data assets.

    This change together with the precompiled binary wheels in PyPI should solve most of the former installation problems (see issues #403, #405, #422, #436, #445, #456, #461, #488, #489, #491, #510, #513, #525, #526 and #535).

  • Upgrade default GEOS library dependency to 3.5.1.

  • Update and clarify licenses. In summary:

    • basemap: MIT license.
      • GEOS bundled dynamic library is under the LGPL-2.1-only license.
    • basemap-data: LGPL-3.0-or-later.
      • The EPSG file and the JPG images are also under the MIT license.
    • basemap-data-hires: LGPL-3.0-or-later.


  • Fix Basemap.pcolormesh for "ortho" projection (PR #476).
  • Fix Basemap.arcgisimage for cylindrical coordinates (PR #505).
  • Force to cythonize _geoslib.pyx at compile time (issues #487, #518 and #521).
  • Update README files and apply corrections and changes to outdated content (issue #179).


  • Bundled GEOS source code. The same source code can be downloaded using the GeosLibrary class in utils (issue #228).
  • Precompiled _geoslib.c file (issue #437).

1.2.2 - 2020-08-04


  • Some incompatibilities with matplotlib v3.3+.
  • Some incompatibilities with newer libgeos versions (tested against v1.6.1).
  • Some incompatibilities with the

1.2.1 - 2019-08-08


  • Some documentation updates.


  • More compatibility bugfixes.
  • Fix a bug introduced in v1.1.0 in addcyclic.

1.2.0 - 2018-09-26


  • Mostly compatibility bugfixes.
  • Fix build using zsh as shell instead of bash (issues #362 and #383).

1.1.0 - 2017-05-04


  • drawmapscale supports "feet" as an input unit (PR #289).
  • nightshade supports timezone-aware datetime objects as long as the timezone is UTC. Still assumes timezone-naive objects are UTC as well (issue #272).
  • Add "textcolor" kwarg to drawmeridians and drawparallels (issue #145).
  • Add "facecolor" keyword argument to drawcounties method; gives user ability to fill counties with specified matplotlib color argument.


  • Update packaged data to use GSHHG v2.3.6 (PR #311 & #320).
  • Convert pyshp and pyproj into external dependencies (PR #234).
  • Don't assume grid is regular when adding cyclic point in addcyclic. New kwargs "axis" and "cyclic" added. More than one array can be handled at a time, as long as the last one is longitude (issue #139).
  • On non-Windows platforms, only link against libgeos C API (and not against C++ API anymore; issue #140). This is recommended by the authors/maintainers of GEOS. Also, this means that on e.g. Debian Linux, basemap can now be installed from source simply using pip install basemap when the libgeos packages are installed globally using the package management.


  • Properly clip plots regardless of projection (issue #175).
  • Properly perform input validation/casting (issue #260).
  • Support newer versions of OWSLib (PR #259).
  • Use integer indexes (PR #246).
  • Stop ResourceWarnings for unclosed files in Python 3 (PR #244).
  • Fix for coastline drawing glitch (issue #123).
  • Fix drawgreatcircle bug so that lines exiting and reentering a projection region don't draw horizontally across the map.

1.0.7 - 2013-08-17


  • Make basemap a namespace package (issue #114).
  • Include mpl_toolkits/, since the one installed by matplotlib is now inaccessible inside an egg (in 1.4.x).
  • Support for rotated pole transformation (projection = "rotpole").


  • Update pyproj (with fixes to geodesic calculations).


  • Fix drawmeridians so meridians reach edge of plot when map projection region is very small (issue #113).
  • Fix warpimage with "hammer" projection (issue #100).
  • Fix tolerances for detecting jumps in meridians and parallels for "cyl" and "rotpole" projections (issue #108).
  • Update pyproj (with fixes to geodesic calculations).
  • Fix clipping to map projection region done in contourf and contour methods so it doesn't assume x and y are increasing (issue #110).

1.0.6 - 2013-01-13


  • Add "epsg" keyword for defining projections.
  • Add "ellps" keyword ("rsphere" ignored if "ellps" given).
  • Add "linestyle" keyword to all draw* methods.
  • Add support for cylindrical equal area ("cea") projection.
  • Add drawcounties method (PR #65). Thanks to Patrick Marsh.
  • Add arcgisimage method for displaying background image retrieved from an ArcGIS server using the REST API (requires using "epsg" keyword to define projection).
  • Add wmsimage method for displaying background image retrieved from an OGC-compliant WMS server using OWSLib ( (requires using "epsg" keyword to define projection).
  • Add "latlon" keyword to plot and scatter methods (PR #64).
  • Add module variable "latlon_default" that can be used to switch default value of "latlon" kwarg to True, so that plotting methods can be passed lats and lons (geographic coordinates in degrees) instead of x and y (projection coordinates).


  • Update pyproj to version 1.9.3 (remove geographiclib Python code with C code from PROJ.4).
  • Allow for latitude values slightly greater than 90 to exist in shapefiles, (by truncating to 90). Still raise exception if latitude exceeds 90.01.
  • Make drawcoastlines use line segments instead of coastline polygons, to avoid thickening of lines around edges of map.


  • Fix drawcounties for Python 3.3.
  • Fix drawing of meridians and parallels in very small map regions (issue #79).
  • Fix shiftdata method so it shifts mask along with data (PR #68).
  • Fix bug that caused plotting to fail when "latlon" keyword is explicitly set to False (PR #66).
  • Fix masking of grid cells outside the map projection in contour and contourf. In these methods, all points outside the map projection region were masked. This meant that if a grid cell was partly inside and partly outside the map projection region, nothing was drawn, leaving a gap along the edge of the map. This was particularly noticeable for very coarse resolution grids. This commit only masks those points more than one grid length beyond the edge of the map projection region (issue #88).

1.0.5 - 2012-08-06


  • Add "latlon" keyword to plotting methods. If latlon = True, x and y values are assumed to longitudes and latitudes in degrees. The data and longitudes are shifted to the map projection region (for cylindrical and pseudo-cylindrical projections) using the shiftdata method, and lons/lats are converted to map projection coords. Default value is False. New example added to illustrate usage (issue #54).


  • Fix bug triggered when drawlsmask method was called more than once.
  • Fix further corner cases with splitting of parallels that cross the dateline (issue #40).
  • Fix error in contour method that caused a bogus mask to be applied to the data (issue #58).
  • Fix bluemarble and warpimage methods to account for change in orientation of arrays returned to matplotlib function pil_to_array (issue #51).
  • Fix glitch with drawing meridians and filling coastline polygons with "omerc" projection that includes pole.

1.0.4 - 2012-06-13


  • Fix bug that caused Europe coastlines to disappear from some maps (evident from example).
  • Fix splitting of parallels in conic projections that cross the dateline (issue 40).

1.0.3 - 2012-05-18


  • Add "alpha" keyword to fillcontinents (to set transparency).
  • Add "k_0" keyword for "tmerc" projection so UTM zones can be created. Also can be used with "lcc", "omerc" and "stere". Add example.
  • Add streamplot method, along with example.
  • Add Basemap attributes boundarylats abd boundarylons (arrays describing map boundaries; useful for illustrating map projection region on another map). Example illustrating usage added.
  • Add "round" keyword to Basemap.__init__ for pole-centered projections to make them round (clipped at boundinglat) instead of square.
  • Add hexbin method, along with example.
  • Add "kav7" (Kavrayskiy VII) and "eck4" (Eckert IV) projections (PR #9).


  • Update GEOS from 3.3.1 to 3.3.3.
  • Upgrade PROJ.4 source to version 4.8.0 and pyproj to version 1.9.2. New pyproj source from includes more robust and accurate pure Python code for geodesic computations from geographiclib.
  • Update coastlines, rivers, political boundaries to GSHHS 2.2.0/GMT 4.5.7. The fillcontinents bug (filling the outside instead of the inside of a coastline polygon) is now much harder to trigger.
  • Make drawmapboundary use axes "bgcolor" as default "fill_color". If no color fill is wanted, set "fill_color" to 'none' (a string).


  • Fix some more Python 3 compatibility issues (all examples now work with Python 3.2).
  • Fix broken daynight terminator function.
  • Bug in drawparallels that results in KeyError when drawing parallels very close together (0.1 degrees).
  • Bugs in celestial projections and non-standard sphere radii (PR #6).
  • Fix constant in Robinson projection (update PJ_robin.c from PROJ.4 SVN).
  • Fix typo in (replace "!= ['sdist','clean']" with "not in ['sdist','clean']").
  • Clip coastlines for "nplaea", "npaeqd", "splaea", "spaeqd" in stereographic coordinates to avoid South America disappearing in some south polar plots.
  • Make sure drawmeridians can handle wrap-around (so that if projection is defined in -180 to 0 and user asks for meridians from 180 to 360 to be drawn, it should work). Only affects projections "mill", "gall", "merc" and "cyl".

1.0.2 (git tag v1.0.2)

  • Update included GEOS from 3.2.0 to 3.3.1 so it compiles with GCC 4.6.
  • Add colorbar method that uses axes_grid toolkit to create colorbar axes.
  • Replace hasattr(arr,'mask') with
  • Update docs and move to
  • Add optional 1.25, 2.5 and 10 minute land/sea masks (derived from GSHHS coastline data). "resolution" and "grid" kwargs added to drawlsmask and maskoceans. "resolution" can be "c", "l", "i", "h" or "f", "grid" can be 1.25, 2.5, 5 or 10.
  • Update from to r72.
  • Change default land-sea mask (now derived directly from GSHHS coastline data, default is 5 minutes use coastline resolution "l"). Default for plotting lakes is now True.
  • Add etopo method (similar to bluemarble, but plots etopo relief image from as a map background).
  • Add shadedrelief method (similar to bluemarble, but plots shaded relief image from as a map background).
  • Replace pyshapelib with pure-Python from Allows full Python 3 compatibility.
  • Fix doc/ to use inheritance_diagram from Sphinx, not matplotlib.
  • Fix drawlsmask so cylindrical projections work correctly when longitude range outside of -180 to 180.
  • Python 3 compatibility.
  • Add to examples (line integral convolution, requires scikit.vectorplot).
  • Remove deprecated NetCDFFile.
  • Add "zorder" keyword to drawmapscale.
  • Change default value for "lakes" kwarg in drawlsmask from False to True (API change).
  • Change default value for "inlands" kwarg in maskoceans from False to True (API change).

1.0.1 (svn revision 8967)

  • Regenerate C source with Cython 0.14.1.
  • Add new allsky example from Tom Loredo.
  • Add "celestial" keyword: if True, astronomical convention for longitude is used (negative for 'east', positive for 'west'); celestial=True implies resolution=None (no continents or coastlines).
  • Improve placement of labels for parallels for pseudo-cylindrical projections like Mollweide and Hammer.
  • Add support for Hammer projection (required adding inverse projection to PROJ.4 src in src/PJ_hammer.c).
  • Update src/pj_mutex.c from PROJ.4 svn to fix a threading bug on Windows.
  • If you try to transform NaNs to/from map projection coords, 1.e30 is returned (previously, this caused a segfault for some projections).
  • Deprecate NetCDFFile function, will be removed in 1.0.2. Issue warning advising users to use netcdf4-python instead.
  • Deleting an item from the dicts returned by drawparallels and drawmeridians removes the corresponding parallel or meridian (and associated labels) from the plot.
  • Add a remove method to the tuples that are returned in the dicts returned by drawparallels and drawmeridians.

1.0.0 (svn revision 8531)

  • Don't force adjustable="box" so Basemap is compatible with AxesGrid. Add example.
  • Add support for plotting on unstructured grids using keyword "tri" in pcolor, contour, and contourf methods (which then forward to tripcolor, tricontour, and tricontourf axes methods). examples/ added.
  • Let continents that fill the whole map be filled.
  • Add option for cubic spline interpolation in interp function (order=3) using scipy.ndimage.
  • Add "near-sided perspective" projection for a satellite view at an arbitrary altitude.
  • Patch from Stephane Raynaud to pass format string to drawmapscale, and allow units="m".
  • Update PROJ.4 source to version 4.7.0, pyproj to 1.8.6.
  • Add is_land method to check whether a point is over land or water.
  • GEOS-3.1.1 now required. 3.2.0 source included (instead of 2.2.3).
  • shiftgrid no longer requires a cyclic point to be present (patch from Eric Bruning).
  • Fix date2index bugs.
  • Update date2index function with a bugfix from netcdf4-python.
  • In contourf method, mask data outside map projection region (this prevents contourf from erroneously filling entire map).
  • Add nightshade method to shade night regions on a map. example added to illustrate usage.
  • Add lonmin and lonmax instance variables.

0.99.4 (svn revision 7332)

  • Replace ax.frame with ax.spines to maintain compatibility with matplotlib spines support.
  • Add "latmax" kwarg to drawparallels and drawmeridians (patch from Chris Murphy).
  • Add new example (shaded relief plot).
  • Add new example
  • Add "fix_aspect" kwarg to Basemap.__init__, when False axes.set_aspect is set to "auto" instead of default "equal". Can be used to make plot fill whole plot region, even if the plot region doesn't match the aspect ratio of the map region.
  • Add date2index function.
  • Update netcdftime to 0.7.1.
  • Add maskoceans function.
  • Update pupynere to version 1.0.8 (supports writing large files).
  • Add more informative error message in readshapefile when one of the shapefile components can't be found.

0.99.3 (svn revision 6780)

  • If upper-right/lower-left corners nor width/height given for azimuthal equidistant ("aeqd"), the whole world is drawn in a circle (only works for perfect spheres, not ellipsoids).
  • Make check for already installed pyshapelib (just like it does for httplib2 and pydap).
  • Basemap will now look for its data in BASEMAPDATA. If that environment variable is not set, it will fall back to its default location.
  • If readshapefile is called with drawbounds=True, a LineCollection object is appended to the returned tuple.
  • Make sure drawmapscale method returns a list of objects that can be iterated over to remove them from the plot.
  • fillcontinents was returning just last Polygon instance. Now returns a list of all Polygon instances.
  • Pass bluemarble/warpimage kwargs to imshow and return Image instance.

0.99.2 (svn revision 6541)

  • Fix drawlsmask method so that it works for cylindrical projections with limits outside (-180, 180).
  • Add "scale" keyword to bluemarble and warpimage methods to downsample image background.
  • Make "lat_ts" default to 0 for Mercator.
  • Now can specify just lon_0 for all cylindrical projections (to produce global map centered on lon_0).
  • Add example, showing how to re-use a map background without redrawing coastlines.
  • Add example (courtesy of Mauro Cavalcanti).
  • Add masked array support to shiftgrid function (thanks to Jesper Larsen).
  • Defer import of netcdf stuff till it is needed (in NetCDFFile function).
  • Add McBryde-Thomas Flat Polar Quartic (projection = "mbtfpq"), Gall Stereographic Cylindrical (projection = "gall") and van der Grinten (projection = "vandg").
  • Fix bugs in warpimage and bluemarble methods for several projections.
  • Bugfix patch for rotate_vector from David Huard. David also contributed the beginnings of a test suite.
  • Make sure scatter method sets pyplot color mappable.
  • Add cubed_sphere example.
  • Update NetCDFFile to use pupynere 1.0.2 (now can write as well as read!).
  • Now works with GEOS version 3.
  • Add Basemap instance variable proj4string.
  • example now uses gdal to read topo data from a raster DEM file and ogr to read state boundaries from a shape file.
  • warpimage method can now handle gray-scale images, and images specifed as URLs (for example, the Blue Marble images from

0.99.1 (svn revision 5961)

  • GEOS-2.2.3 patched for compatibility with GCC 4.3.
  • Add barbs method to draw wind barbs on the map.
  • Add tissot method for generating Tissot's indicatrix (see example
  • Fix processing of coastlines for gnomonic projection.
  • Don't try to use PyNIO in NetCDFFile (it was causing too many suprises).
  • Start of improved documentation using Sphinx/docutils. Can be viewed at
  • Change default behaviour of num2date and date2num to be the same as matplotlib counterparts.

0.99.0 (svn revision 5344)

  • Fix to warpimage method for API change in matplotlib 0.98.0.
  • Update pyproj to 1.8.6.
  • Fix bug in NetCDFFile creating masked arrays when both _FillValue and missing_value exist.
  • drawparallels and drawmeridians return a dictionary containing the Line2D and Text instances associated with each lat or lon.
  • drawcoastlines, drawcountries and friends now have PatchCollection return values.
  • Make sure _nolabel_ set on coastlines, countries, states, rivers, parallels and meridians so they are not included in a legend.
  • Add drawmapscale method to create a map scale bar similar to that available with the GMT's psbasemap.
  • Now lives in mpl_toolkits.basemap (API change). Instead of from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import Basemap, use from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap. All examples changed. Uses matplotlib mpl_toolkits namespace package, so basemap can now be installed if matplotlib is installed as an egg. Python 2.3 support re-enabled.
  • Change _geos to _geoslib, so as not to conflict with the Python module bundled with the GEOS library.
  • Some fixes/enhancements for "omerc" projection (added "no_rot" flag).
  • Add warpimage method for displaying an image background. Default is NASA's blue marble image, which is included. (svn revision 4808)

  • Require Python 2.4 (really only needed for building). Once namespace packages are re-enabled in matplotlib, Python 2.3 should work again.

0.9.9 (svn revision 4799)

  • Updated PROJ.4 sources to version 4.6.0.
  • Remove hidden dependency on setuptools (in dap module).
  • Fix exception handling bug in code that looks for intersection between boundary feature and map projection region.
  • now looks for GEOS library in a few standard places (/usr/local, /opt, $HOME, /sw) if the GEOS_DIR environment variable is not set. This is a workaround for a new Leopard 'feature' (sudo does not inherit enviroment variables).
  • Add support for reading Point and MultiPoint shapes from ESRI shapefiles.
  • Now automatically draws figure if running in interactive mode (so draw() does not need to be called explicitly in IPython).
  • Add num2date and date2num functions, which use included netcdftime module.

0.9.8 (svn revision 4526)

  • Fixes for filling continents in orthographic projection.
  • Add "maskandscale" kwarg to NetCDFFile to optionally turn off automatic masking and rescaling of variable data.
  • NetCDFFile will try to use PyNIO if installed and the file cannot be read with pupynere. This allows GRIB1, GRIB2, HDF4 and HDFEOS2 files to be read.
  • "fmt" kwarg to drawparallels and drawmeridians can now be a custom string formatting function (example demonstrates usage).
  • Remove "linestyle" kwarg from drawparallels and drawmeridians (it never did anything anyway since it was overridden by the "dashes" kwarg).
  • Modify NetCDFFile to use dap module to read remote datasets over http. Include dap and httplib2 modules.
  • Modify NetCDFFile to automatically apply "scale_factor" and "add_offset", and return masked arrays masked where data == missing_value or data == _FillValue.
  • Add "fill_color" option to drawmapboundary, to optionally fill the map projection background a certain color.
  • Add "sstanom" colormap from

0.9.7 (svn revision 4422)

  • Fix bug in drawlsmask for "moll", "robin" and "sinu" projections.
  • Add "lake_color" keyword to fillcontinents.
  • Fix a bug in the "tmerc" projection.
  • Add pure-Python NetCDFFile reader from Roberto De Almeida to basemap namespace (from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import NetCDFFile).
  • Add support for full-resolution boundaries (will be a separate download). Full-res files (totaling around 100 MB) available in SVN.
  • High-resolution boundaries now included.
  • Postpone processing of countries, states and river boundaries until a draw is requested. Only the coastlines are processed in __init__.
  • Use a Cython interface to the GEOS library (, LGPL-2.1 license) to find geometries that are within map projection region. This speeds up instance creation for small map regions and high resolution coastlines. Boundary datasets now in binary format (I/O is faster). Requires GEOS version 2.2.3, source code included.
  • Remove all numerix imports.
  • Fix rotate_vector so it works in S. Hem and for non-orthogonal grids. Support for masked velocity vectors also added. (EF)
  • Numpification. (EF)

0.9.6 (svn revision 3888)

  • Fix addcyclic function so it handles masked arrays.
  • Labelling of meridians and parallels now works with very small map regions (less than 0.2 degrees square).
  • Subregions of the globe may be specified with llcrnrlat, llcrnrlon, urcrnrlat, urcrnrlon keywords for "ortho" and "geos" (illustrated by examples/
  • Add "labelstyle" keyword to drawparallels and drawmeridians. If set to "+/-", labels are given prefixed by "+" or "-", instead of suffixed with "N", "S", "E" or "W". Useful for astronomical plots, where there is no such thing as north, south, east or west.
  • Add support for geostationary satellite projection (projection = "geos"), contributed by Scott Sinclair. Illustrated by examples/
  • Add a bunch of extra colormaps (mostly from GMT), and a script to plot them (examples/ To import new colormaps, use from matplotlib.toolkits.basemap import cm.
  • Orthographic projection only defined for perfect sphere, raise an error if user tries to use an ellipsoid.
  • Print a warning in contour and contourf in situations that may result in a screwy looking plot (x not monotonically increasing, because the data wraps around the edge of the plot). The warning suggests using the shiftgrid function to recenter the data on the map projection region.
  • Fix so it works properly with Python 2.3, and on Windows.
  • Add "zorder" keyword to drawmeridians, drawparallels, drawcoastlines, drawstates, drawcountries, drawrivers, readshapefile and fillcontinents.
  • numpy now required.
  • Added "srs" (spatial reference system) instance variable.
  • Update pyproj to version 1.8.3. Now uses pyproj.Geod for Great Circle calculations. PROJ.4 data files now included.
  • Make sure axes ticks are always turned off, unless noticks=False is set when creating a Basemap instance.

0.9.5 (svn revision 3083) - 2007-03-14

  • Fix examples to conform to 'one show() per script' rule.
  • Intermediate coastlines now installed by default. basemap-data is no longer a separate package (couldn't figure out how to manage the egg). If the "h" res boundaries are needed, the data files must be manually put in place by the user. BASEMAP_DATA_PATH environment variable is no longer used.
  • Reorganize data files so that bdist_egg includes the data. now used to install the high-res data files.
  • Make sure PROJ.4 returns 1.e30 instead of HUGE_VAL for undefined transformations (HUGE_VAL is inf on most platforms, which gets embedded in the postscript, resulting in a un-renderable file).
  • Use typedef Py_ssize_t if necessary (ADS).
  • Rename to, add a Python wrapper and move pyproj into matplotlib.toolkits.basemap.

0.9.4 - 2006-11-17

  • Add "Tissot's indicatrix" example.
  • "extent" keyword was erroneously being passed to pcolor.
  • Update PROJ.4 source files to version 4.5.0.
  • Update pyproj to version 1.8.0 (better error handling).

0.9.3 - 2006-10-17

  • Update pyproj.c to be compatible with Python 2.5.
  • Add new example (contributed by Ivan Lima).

0.9.2 - 2006-08-31

  • Fix several bugs in drawlsmask method.
  • Remove buggy optimizations for cylindrical projections not crossing the Greenwich meridian.
  • Can now specify map projection region in Basemap.__init__ by setting width and height in projection coordinates (in meters) instead of specifying lat/lon of upper-right and lower-left corners (API change).

0.9.1 - 2006-07-27

  • Make sure llcrnrlat and llcrnrlon are not at poles for Mercator.
  • Use Eric Firing's new quiver in Basemap.quiver method.
  • interp functions now work with masked arrays.
  • Add some sanity checks for projection parameters.
  • Change from classic to new-style classes.
  • Remove deprecated createfigure method.
  • Fix some creeping numpy'isms (which caused breakage when numarray or Numeric were used).

0.9.0 - 2006-06-09

  • Update for new matplotlib aspect ratio handling. Now maps will always have the correct aspect ratio.
  • If "resolution" keyword is set to None when a Basemap instance is created, no boundary data sets are needed (methods to draw boundaries, like drawcoastlines, will raise an exception).
  • Rename proj4 module to pyproj to avoid conflicts with proj4 module from CDAT.
  • Deprecate createfigure method, since maps will now automatically have the correct aspect ratio.
  • Add new projections Xpstere, Xplaea, Xpaeqd (where X can be n or s). These are special-case, polar-centric versions of the stereographic, lambert azimuthal equal area and azimuthal equidistant projections that don't require you specify the lat/lon values of the lower-left and upper-right corners.
  • Fix bugs in plot, scatter and mapboundary methods for Miller, cylindrical and Mercator projections.
  • "crude" and "low" resolution boundary datasets now installed by default. basemap_data package now only needed to get "intermediate" and "high" resolution datasets.
  • Move all packages under single lib/ directory so that setuptools' "develop" command works properly.
  • Add sinusoidal projection.
  • Bilinear interpolation routines can return masked arrays with values outside range of data coordinates masked.
  • New examples:
    • warping an image to different map projections.
    • simplified polar projections.
    • 'World According to Garp' maps.
  • Add pcolormesh method.
  • Add drawlsmask method for masking oceans and/or land areas.
  • Add 5-minute land-sea mask dataset.

0.8.2 - 2006-02-22

  • Minor bugfixes, mostly in examples.

0.8.1 - 2006-02-03

  • Huge speedups for numpy (no significant differences for Numeric and numarray).

0.8.0 - 2006-01-14

  • Add numpy compatibility. - 2005-11-18

  • There was a problem running examples that read pickle files. The pickle files were created with numarray, and the data would not be read correctly using Numeric. Fixed so that pickles are created with Numeric and Numeric is used to read them.

0.7.2 - 2005-10-18

  • No longer requires numarray (interp function no longer uses numarray.nd_image). This means that interp does not accept "mode" and "cval" any longer (API change). "order" keyword must be 0 or 1.
  • Modify to work with the new ContourSet returned by contour and contourf.
  • Turn off axes frame by default for non-rectangular projections ("ortho", "robin" and "moll").
  • Add createfigure method to create a figure with the same aspect ratio as the map using pylab.figure.
  • Reset subplot.params defaults so that default axes rectangle will have both a width and height of 0.9 (this ensures that the figure size determines that aspect ratio of the plot).
  • Make readshapefile method raise an exception if the vertices look like they are not in geographic (lat/lon) coordinates.

0.7.1 - 2005-09-21

  • Fix several bugs in meridian/parallel labelling and cylindrical projections that crossed Greenwich were not being handled properly.
  • Add "fmt" kwarg to drawmeridians and drawparallels (default is "%g").
  • Fix bug in readshapefile that prevented boundaries from being drawn for "cyl", "merc" or "miller" projections when the map region did not cross the Greenwich meridian.
  • Modify imshow method so "origin" keyword is accepted (it was always set to "lower" previously).
  • Add example showing how to plot raster geospatial data with gdal module (
  • Meridians and parallels labelled correctly when rcParams["text.usetext"] = True.

0.7.0 - 2005-09-14

  • Optimizations to reduce the time it takes to create a Basemap class instance (now nearly 4 times faster when using resolution="i").
  • Add "h" (high) resolution boundary data.
  • Add datasets for major rivers, "drawrivers" class method.
  • Fix some errors in boundaries datasets.
  • Boundary datasets now installed in a separate package.
  • Should now handle Numeric to numarray conversions internally, so removed warning when rcParams["numerix"] != "numarray".
  • Change default "area_thresh" so it depends on coastline resolution (10000 for "c" declining to 10 for "h").

0.6.2 - 2005-09-01

  • Warning issued if numerix = 'Numeric' (a user reported crashes due to botched Numeric --> numarray conversions).
  • Changes to PROJ.4 wrapper to make Basemap instances pickle-able.

0.6.1 - 2005-08-14

  • Add example (plot hurricane tracks from shapefile).
  • Now includes pyshapelib (extracted from Thuban source).

0.6.0 - 2005-08-11

  • SF bug #1254163 (make sure lat/lon limits of projection are floats). and examples added.
  • Add readshapefile method for reading and plotting data from ESRI shapefiles (requires pyshapelib from Thuban). is an example that illustrates this.

0.5.2 - 2005-06-28

  • Fix bug in meridian labelling when lon > 360 or lon < -180.
  • Add "ax" keyword to Basemap.__init__. This will set default axis instance, which can be overridden by using "ax" keyword in method calls (API change).

0.5.1 - 2005-06-26

  • Add "ax" keyword to most Basemap methods to allow use of a pre-existing Axes instance. Default is still to use the current instance.
  • Full control of font properties for parallel and meridian labels (now uses unicode instead of mathtext for degree symbol). Replace "font" and "fontsize" keyword args for drawparallels and drawmeridians replaced by **kwargs, which is passed directly to Axes.text method (API change).

0.5.0 - 2005-06-02

  • Add Orthographic, Mollweide and Robinson projections.
  • Add drawmapboundary method to draw a line around the map projection region.
  • Add "suppress_ticks" keyword to Basemap.__init__ It's True by default, but can be set to False if you want to label ticks in native map projection coordinates.
  • Add rotate_vector method to rotate vectors to map projection coordinates (without interpolation, as in transform_vector method).
  • Modified pcolor, contour, contourf methods to use masked arrays.
  • Now requires matplotlib v0.81.
  • drawparallels and drawmeridians methods now take optional keyword arguments "xoffset" and "yoffset", which control how far from the edge of the map labels are drawn.
  • Make llcrnrlon, llcrnrlat, urcrnrlon and urcrnrlat optional keyword arguments in Basemap.__init__ (API change).

0.4.3 - 2005-05-11

  • Add Oblique Mercator.
  • Great circle calculations now use Vincenty's equations for an ellipsoid.

0.4.2 - 2005-05-10

  • Remove "preserve_magnitude" keyword from transform_vector. Now transform_vector does a simple rotation of the vector from geographic to map coordinates, preserving the vector magnitude (API change).
  • Fix minor bugs in Miller and Mercator projections.
  • Add Gnomonic, Cassini-Soldner and Polyconic projections (now 13 projections supported).

0.4.1 - 2005-05-09

  • Fix Miller projection being erroneously referred to by the name "miller" instead of "mill".
  • Add the ability to specify the major and minor sphere radii by specifying the "rsphere" keyword in __init__ to be a tuple instead of a scalar.

0.4.0 - 2005-05-05

  • Add support for miller cylindrical, equidistant conic, and azimuthal equidistant projections.
  • Fix bugs in coastline drawing and continent filling methods.

0.3.3 - 2005-04-27

  • Modify fillcontinents to not fill lakes (they are actually still filled, but with axis background color).

0.3.2 - 2005-04-20

  • Code cleanups.
  • Docstring typo fixes.
  • Environment variable BASEMAP_DATA_PATH can now be used to point to data files in a non-standard install (i.e using --prefix or --home).

0.3.0 - 2005-04-15

  • Add transform_scalar and transform_vector methods for interpolating scalar and vector fields to a map projection grid.
  • Add shiftgrid and addcyclic convenience functions.
  • Add example illustrating how to plot wind vectors on a map.
  • Update examples to use transform_scalar instead of calling interp directly.
  • Change Mercator x coordinate units from degrees to meters.
  • now installs data in Python version-numbered directory (so you can have separate copies for different Python versions).
  • Fix aspect ratio of mercator plots.
  • Add set_axes_limits, plot, scatter, contourf, contour, pcolor and quiver methods.
  • axes instance no longer a method argument to any Basemap method, gca is called to obtain the current axes instance instead (API change).

0.2.1 - 2005-04-10

  • Add gcpoints and drawgreatcircles methods.
  • Add intermediate resolution coastline and political boundary databases.
  • Fix bug in filling continents.
  • Fix bug in drawing parallels/meridians.
  • Add example.

0.2.0 - 2005-04-04

  • drawparallels and drawmeridians can now draw labels at edge of map.

0.1.2 - 2005-03-31

  • Now can handle negative longitudes (patch from Michael Brady).
  • basemap.interp can now handle irregular (but still rectilinear) lat/lon grids.

0.1.0 - 2005-02-03

  • First release on SF.


  • Change LineCollections.color to set_color in a try/except block. (color was a typo in 0.71 and is deprecated).


  • No user visible changes. Uses new pyrex generated C extension interface to PROJ.4 which is twice as fast as the Thuban one.


  • Some code reorganisation.
  • Fix bugs in S. Hem. projections.
  • Basemap instance variables xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax renamed to llcrnrx, urcrnrx, llcrnry, urcrnry.
  • Add __call__ and makegrid methods to Basemap class.


  • PROJ.4 is now called via a C-library interface, instead of using the proj command-line tool via os.popen.


  • Fix glitches in drawing of parallels and meridians.