All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
1.35.0 (2025-03-16)
- side-panel: adds side-panel support (7ecb1fe)
- hmr: update hmr config to work with vite 6 (4448b27)
1.34.0 (2025-01-12)
- ratings: adds support for external ratings (ee3db29)
1.33.2 (2025-01-09)
- progress: add missing show source context to fix custom links (bef8330)
1.33.1 (2024-11-19)
- navbar: navigate based on route name instead of path in dropdown (a23712b)
- search: search on enter and only add to history on blur (f8674b7)
1.33.0 (2024-10-31)
- panel: adds alt titles options to panel aliases (ec94617)
- search: adds recent search and allow type search (da25a97)
- search: switches to fuzzy search (d4b2d91)
- css: adjust page loading vertical offset (1605ba2)
- debounce: reject promise on error (e823b20)
- panel: adjust responsive padding (53dbba6)
- panel: fix responsive sizing for the panel (3f4301f)
- settings: adds safe inset in menu for mobile (dc8838c)
1.32.3 (2024-10-25)
- buttons: pass down loading state from items (5dec105)
- watching: only show watching if not expired (1e17f46)
1.32.2 (2024-10-24)
- list: open quick action on item edge when no movement or modifiers (1bf46cf)
1.32.1 (2024-10-24)
- brand: prevent badge flash when refreshing before restore (60db763)
1.32.0 (2024-10-24)
- theme: allow custom theming of ui colors (db9613e)
1.31.0 (2024-10-23)
- list: adds hover button support (4853eb0)
- list: adds quick action buttons - checkin (467a882)
- list: adds quick action buttons - collected (516e0e2)
- list: adds quick action buttons - list (a3b9b28)
- list: adds quick action buttons - watched (8e00a0a)
- list: create list buttons for list quick actions (2909875)
- list: enable drag to show buttons in mobile contexts (3fbbd77)
- list: implement list buttons in all lists (9a788b0)
- movies: start up fetch to populate progress & collection (db1a5bc)
- panel: only mark unwatched in seasons (c4cdea3)
- settings: adds quick action configurations in settings (b00712c)
- branding: make listItem marker reactive (3645497)
- calendar: skip datalist reset when no date is saved (757622a)
- checkin: correctly update state when cancelling check in (1ab8199)
- favorites: only enable favorite list for movie & shows (644dc61)
- list: adjust margin & padding (a56ecff)
- list: key element with date as there might be re-releases (8d60081)
- navbar: adjust responsive breakpoints (bec98d6)
- navbar: make tabs tab/enter targets (c20db4b)
- panel: only clear state if picker is closed (a35d9d2)
- poster: adjust responsive design on small screens (b9bb980)
- progress: eagerly fetch progress when item is in view (c7ad96b)
- ratings: fix issue infinite loop when pageCount is 0 (b294659)
- watching: factorize checkin logic into composable (cf96f94)
1.30.1 (2024-10-19)
- branding: update badge color when switching branding (ece8426)
- calendar: clear saved date when clearing date picker (621062f)
1.30.0 (2024-10-19)
- brand: adds support for new branding (107bf2a)
1.29.0 (2024-10-18)
- images: add setting to enforces show image or poster UI in tabs (b30e971)
- poster: parametrize image format (012243b)
- css: adds active css on clickable links (9c570b6)
- image: simplify image fetching logic (74b4898)
- poster: auto-resize to portrait if no backdrop found (1535f59)
1.28.0 (2024-10-18)
- links: adds custom links to list & broaden conditions (23a4272)
1.27.2 (2024-10-14)
- navbar: adjust css transition and fix absolute routing (533563b)
1.27.1 (2024-10-12)
- errors: switch error to warn to fail gracefully (db41862)
- image: adds poster cache to prevent flickering (3cc19e1)
- image: simplify transiiton logic (41d5e08)
- images: silence 404 on image fetching (2a6e33a)
- notification: align css with the rest of the ui (c8e2e1a)
- reactive: move route overflow to settings dropdown (295fa51)
- releases: fix release refresh when changing navbar options (393cced)
- responsive: adjust navbar element to fit smaller screens (9f7ec8c)
- responsive: hide account name on small screens (0224348)
- responsive: toggle between label or icon in small screens (1974680)
- responsive: various sizing and css fix for mobile views (8b3033d)
- scroll: fix incorrect key unicity (77df7b2)
- web: adds wc teardown for micro-frontend environments (0aeebfb)
1.27.0 (2024-10-10)
- favorites: adds support to favorites list (829fba1)
- settings: adds navbar position setting (249834b)
- web: adds floating & reversed navbar (612e94d)
- button: adjust right position in reverse mode (8c9e720)
- checkin: adds watching offset in about and settings (ba185bc)
- floating: auto coerce to top when below threshold (3b8f0dc)
- floating: fix panel top offset (13d4d59)
- listener: switch to passive listeners (9283fd0)
- mobile: fix bottom navbar (b14e115)
- mobile: fix floating and progress (ee8ad29)
- mobile: fix floating offsets (dc2660d)
- navbar: invert tooltip direction when in bottom mode (171dbd2)
- progress: fix css on progress after n-ui bump (f5d986e)
- TextField: switch defaults to fit-content (e1a19a3)
1.26.4 (2024-09-24)
- progress: add correct eviction key (2020746)
1.26.3 (2024-09-24)
- store: fix exports states (5499c32)
- store: split list & lists store into dedicated files + model (6d4d3a3)
1.26.2 (2024-09-24)
- calendar: only persist calendar date when set (f90020b)
- checkin: adds ellipsis and disable wrap (d4c4266)
- css: adjust stats value min-width (b6dae1d)
- css: fix background flash on start (963951e)
- css: remove margin from main list container (617a2b1)
- export: fix filename date config (230d1dc)
- list: adds loaded indicator and fix load more (ca47fc7)
- list: restore scroll-top if loading with offset (b9f7118)
- list: switch correct i18n for pages & items (8787195)
- loading: increase loading debounce and adjust date loader (3235dca)
- loading: make loading hysteresis customisable (93669c6)
- pagination: switch type and fix reactivity (5852e8c)
- polling: disable polling when document is not visible (b02e141)
- visibility: watch document visibility and refresh view when active (a5345dc)
1.26.1 (2024-09-10)
- simkl: adds simkl links to movies (1ee6a04)
1.26.0 (2024-09-10)
- settings: adds custom background colour option (725015c)
- web: adds support for swipe to close panel (2a1b704)
- web: adds swipe support to panel carousel (9da0b7e)
- web: adds touch support (2be1cc3)
- web: adds touch swipe support for header (74256ee)
- badge: remove placeholders from badge count (0e9a03c)
- css: disable overscroll in panels (eb12bcf)
- loading: adjust tag loader css (101a154)
- loading: improve list loading indicator (f4427ca)
- notification: only notify on major version update (74e68bc)
- pwa: adds bottom inset to footer (dcc2be7)
- pwa: adjust height of watching indicator & fix i18n label (ce14823)
- pwa: switch to absolute viewport unit in standalone mode (c67c380)
- scroll: use framework scroller handler (42fe03c)
- web: fix checkin safe inset area padding (c40e441)
- web: handle scrollable drawer in swipe actions (125b740)
- web: invert swipe direction for navbar (13d847b)
1.25.3 (2024-09-05)
- list-scroll: supports scroll boundary (5e72b36)
- loading: add minimum height to settings loader (15a9f1e)
- loading: only offset placeholder if passed timeout (c24c8ac)
1.25.2 (2024-09-05)
- activity: prevent duplicate calls (512c3ef)
- css: fix loading skeleton width on small screens (546d8f1)
- i18n: prevent infinite hmr loop (3330adb)
- loading: fix calendar loading indicator (4979193)
- polling: increase default polling (0ffb8ae)
- pwa: disable pinch to zoom in pwa mode (0696c57)
- responsive: handle compact screen sizes (ac01921)
- scroll: disable over-scroll on virtual list (0b5f1a0)
- scroll: parametrize overscroll (0238c60)
- web: constrain scalability but allow it (f915df9)
1.25.1 (2024-09-04)
- navbar: adjust avatar fallback css (cb57d4d)
- release: await region loading when loading releases (b172331)
1.25.0 (2024-09-03)
- links: adds export/import mechanism (115848c)
- cache: default storage area to custom local (af71738)
- css: fix reactive view for small screens (e80d937)
- navbar: fix responsive css for date picker date-range mode (b69276a)
- navbar: resize avatar img to fit in navbar (0c6b1e4)
- shell: adds loading indicator delay to shell skeleton (6d65a6c)
- web: adds hardcoded background-color to prevent flashing (0796f36)
1.24.4 (2024-08-30)
- panel: adjust css to make active episode more visible (d7245af)
- pwa: add offset to list-scroll padding (881749f)
- pwa: adds transparency to status bar (94687af)
- pwa: force service worker auto-update (0c647a7)
- pwa: update header offset (421fcf5)
1.24.3 (2024-08-29)
- login: adjust styles to keep loading indicator placement consistent (38681cf)
- login: open code verification in separate tab (25f422c)
- navbar: adjust transparency of the active capsule (e7cf0d0)
1.24.2 (2024-08-27)
- panel: adds transition to prevent watched/collected flicker (9fb2b8e)
1.24.1 (2024-08-27)
- storage: await set in wrapper to better handler errors (3e81ce8)
1.24.0 (2024-08-26)
- cache: clean stale cache on init (e09d9c7)
- cache: evict user cache on logout (15bdfd8)
- cache: logs eviction date by default (0272c60)
- loader: adds full height loader in option & web (0556716)
- login: show component on activated instead of mounted (e7aa62a)
- statistics: update show ratings on mounted instead of computed (7e06f4e)
1.23.1 (2024-08-24)
- activity: add null check to prevent error (86c27f5)
1.23.0 (2024-08-23)
- list: adds show link for list items (a8c43d0)
- panel: adds external links & studio support (d109336)
- panel: adds multi rating support & rework linking (55dfa9f)
- panel: adds trailer support (191946c)
- rating: adds url to external ratings (fd8e3e3)
- settings: adds stats in settings (95e4054)
- simkl: add simkl ratings for show & movies (58aeddb)
- simkl: adds toggle (bbe1c13)
- simkl: big rework of account management & adding simkl auth (5bd3253)
- badge: check if user is authenticated before sending update (1c28d52)
- ci: adds api keys for simkl (4cbea70)
- common: adds loading prop to text-fields and change default align (6db6954)
- common: update textfield css (ebbeacd)
- css: make panels and buttons more responsive (8bbf577)
- css: update hover and focus to make the ui more accessible (19c0e6a)
- list: pause list render on panel open to prevent flicker (ce7cd14)
- loading: rework util to make it composable (666b14b)
- progress: fix error on click and rework keyboard inputs (06e1c7a)
- settings: skip loading when persisting cache (67b4361)
- settings: update css to make settings responsive (f371952)
- simkl: correctly assign simkl account to user (a43ed3d)
- simkl: correctly return simkl enabled based on active user (422c374)
- simkl: update api and fix toggle (c552b6f)
- web: disable simkl for web (1e7611c)
1.22.0 (2024-08-13)
- history: adds settings to load history on startup (c4c2268)
- list: adds collected & watched date on hover (02cd3d3)
- list: source played status from history when no progress available (88429b2)
- api: fix redirect url on web (4c8346e)
- badge: do not fetch when not authenticated (6152459)
- list: only trigger updated when view is active (e25e06c)
- login: login in place on web (1f86a90)
- proxy: refactor cached progress and handle proxy on web (0345b34)
- proxy: update proxy prefix (19f28cc)
- router: make progress inaccessible from web (d2c8f5a)
- web: fix unsafe store access in use-list-scroll (b1875cb)
1.21.0 (2024-08-10)
- badge: adds support for progress badge (ec9a58b)
- calendar: correctly space days when 1 or 2 results only (06fb538)
1.20.0 (2024-08-10)
- activity: adds activity polling and fix watching polling (3dd58e8)
- badge: adds calendar badge summary (6f6112f)
- progress: adds mismatch warning and improve stale data detection (dc8ac91)
- release: adds release note notification on update (4e69561)
- app: fix overflow flashing scrollbar on panel opening (09363cc)
- badge: uses local date to detect today instead of UTC (7b486a2)
- checkin: refresh progress and calendar view on checkin event (ab64adc)
- pagination: creates constant and fix settings page sizes (df26938)
- settings: disable badge for the web version (d11d457)
- store: set on pageSize undefined instead of truthy (to include 0) (61ff5c0)
- test: rework import to allow mocking (719af6e)
- user: remove typo in restaure user list hook (5314c05)
- web: early abort sendMessage and fix invalid auth (58c7426)
1.19.0 (2024-08-04)
- logger: rework logger service & bump common utils (dc7dbb4)
1.18.3 (2024-08-03)
- login: fix blank header in login page (7129f7a)
- login: fix progress indicator and add polling indicator (0f20096)
- login: improve border css on code login (1ea6dfc)
- panel: refactor and fix background progress transition (e2f6e3f)
1.18.2 (2024-08-02)
- panel: fix links overflow issues on small screen (b4cfb8e)
- panel: rework wording and fix overflow issues (cd8b54c)
- rating: adds support for touch targets (43fd32c)
1.18.1 (2024-08-01)
- ratings: fix css responsive flow on screen <= 725px (6c4f013)
1.18.0 (2024-08-01)
- panel: adds ratings to movie & show panels (061153d)
- rating: refactor and add loading & link handling (b7da524)
- ratings: adds rating addition & removal in store (0c9f95c)
- ratings: adds rating edition mode (a14e06d)
- ratings: adds score & review options (c296dca)
- color: rename info-color to color-info (60fe888)
1.17.1 (2024-07-27)
1.17.0 (2024-07-26)
- panel: move panel state to app store & support dirty state (c6e5c01)
- progress: adds collection & watched badge, adds eager data fetch (5fab4b1)
1.16.0 (2024-07-18)
- checkin: add checkin button in panels (d370168)
- checkin: create now watching bar component (15730c9)
- checkin: implement checkin button & progress state evict (08f2705)
- checkin: open panels on checkin click (f23eee1)
- settings: adds watching settings (35d2e3d)
- web: parametrise full-height to allow override (1341e93)
- html: adds overscroll behaviour to prevent bouncing (69e5986)
- watching: adds auth check before polling (9e0baf6)
1.15.0 (2024-07-16)
1.14.0 (2024-07-15)
- calendar: re-factor composables (8cdcaac)
- export: add support for data exporting (99e6a99)
- releases: adds navbar support to releases (e8206ed)
- release: setup release fetching (b37f9a4)
- navbar: adjust dropdown size based on active tabs (b74e53f)
- release: defaults back to locale when no region selected (922b156)
1.13.0 (2024-07-09)
- (panel: fade un-aired episodes & seasons in show panel (f3ba370)
- progress: allows display of progress for season instead of shows (4b8eabb)
1.12.0 (2024-07-05)
- panel: load selected lists on movie panel open (04bf36b)
- panel: load selected lists on show panel open (0a8f4a5)
1.11.1 (2024-07-03)
- images: clear cache on empty staled request & fix cache eviction (358caf4)
- labels: correctly detect series premier instead of season premier (3963251)
1.11.0 (2024-07-01)
- panels: adds watched & collection date/time to panels (5df3af1)
1.10.0 (2024-06-21)
- client: adds cancellable promises (0fb8735)
- errors: adds error management to show store (0a0e16e)
- errors: consolidate errors in service (f3f1a4c)
- cache: uses textencoder for better size estimate (3f278a4)
- poster: adds border-radius to image layers (23f4173)
- test: correct erroneous path to setup files (5bb2692)
1.9.0 (2024-05-27)
- cache: adds cache eviction when nearing capacity (79585f6)
- deps: extract client to dedicated libs (499db06)
- scripts: fix typo in prepare script (2eea1ff)
1.8.0 (2024-04-26)
- settings: rework context menu and add toggle settings (6d7b9be)
1.7.2 (2024-04-26)
- background: refresh onClicked outside of onInstalled (8bea70f)
1.7.1 (2024-04-22)
- logs: adds debug logs in background script (76c8b3d)
1.7.0 (2024-04-21)
- context: adds a context menu to add to search history only (292ad18)
1.6.1 (2024-04-20)
- context: fix null pointer in open in extension context menu (df868c1)
1.6.0 (2024-04-20)
- router: adds base path to history when restoring last route (e2a2e9d)
- router: adds default tab selector and fix restore toggles (b711fb2)
- test: adjust cache flakyness and fix object tests (ec0bf9b)
1.5.0 (2024-04-19)
- context: adds open in context menu (8f164b9)
- date: fix date to be based on locale and not navigator (24a094e)
- loading: adds loading bar to progress page too (38cd65c)
- security: obscur secrets with env variables (b8a69fc)
- test: increases retention to prevent flakiness (447a139)
- tests: adds env variable for testing purposes (54dec62)
1.4.4 (2024-04-17)
- settings: adds interpolation description (b1339e1)
1.4.3 (2024-04-17)
- about: fix external links in about page (dc4496a)
- login: fix hardocded extension id in redirection url (3d35a79)
- web: ensure only one instance of globals are used & fix router (1efd934)
1.4.2 (2024-04-16)
1.4.1 (2024-04-15)
- cache: evict calendar cache on collection and watchlist (6b611da)
1.4.0 (2024-04-15)
1.3.0 (2024-04-15)
- about: create empty about component (ce937ee)
- account: support multiple accounts logout/login (020686f)
- adds tvdb api (4e5b974)
- avatar: use fallback when fetch fails (e00ec19)
- backgrounds: adds grid hover background (3f789bd)
- basic auth persist (d9ad9c7)
- bundle: manual chunk clients (e246d52)
- bundle: move endpoint import to actual clients instead of base (735c13a)
- button: adds a go back to top floating button (b9ecd5f)
- cache: adds cache evicting on last activities (fd3c7db)
- cache: adds eviction method to cached functions (8e454c9)
- cache: create chrome storage cache (1551d1f)
- cache: disable caching for DELETE, POST, PUT and auth endpoints (6c26cb0)
- calendar: adds basic support for calendar (24a11d3)
- calendar: adds empty placeholder (e0c46b7)
- calendar: adds filtering support (5a7d2bf)
- calendar: adds infinite scroll (8f3cd5d)
- calendar: adds recenter button (09f82f8)
- client: improve cache support cache hit & eviction (a433d98)
- clients: create minimal env for auth (8908d3a)
- date: adds date to list scroll (c3cbbc5)
- drawer: adds item drawer view (a69babf)
- drawer: initial aside panel commit (95781a2)
- error: adds error handling to views data fetch (a58d9db)
- history: adds basic history infinite scroll (dc43e28)
- history: adds history store and enable nabar filtering (09a0903)
- history: adds search and page size support to navbar (1ed14d3)
- history: split components to make them reusable (001b2cf)
- history: widen search matching algorithm (dcd6816)
- i18n: translate empty component (2457645)
- i18n: translate panel labels (431d410)
- icons: added nice icons for navbar (df05845)
- image: init image store (d3cee27)
- implement tvdb auth (601dfe5)
- lib: adds naive-ui (090ca5a)
- links: adds custom links and alias integration (b7d7ede)
- links: adds hover title for external links (5ef92e5)
- links: adds open links in background toggle (116b8b9)
- links: allow opening tag links in background (da75a0d)
- list: adds support for favorites & fancy icons (589f469)
- list: adds support to person in lists (55fb60b)
- list: change caching strategy and adds today indicator (6c8e08e)
- list: connect store to scroll list (b96676e)
- list: create lists store and connect navbar (a24775b)
- list: create navbar list and basic fetching (e7a3872)
- List: groups list item by date (e6e1208)
- listItem: refactor list item to be more composable (c90ed78)
- listItem: rework list item to separate by date (1f27433)
- load-more: adds a load more button (057a93d)
- loading: adds loading bar service (4174de1)
- login: rework login to skip fetch (a334194)
- login: style login component (6230287)
- logs: adds settings logs card (fb6a1e4)
- logs: proxy console.log with logger function (a3aef45)
- navbar: adds account dropdown tab (62d84f7)
- navbar: adds external links to (b29ddb4)
- navbar: adds initial drawer for additional buttons (8d7102e)
- navbar: adds navbar drawer router outlet (cd0376c)
- navbar: adds picker & search to history tab (4d862b4)
- navbar: switch to tabs instead of buttons (fae2d7c)
- notification: create notification service (ce2e367)
- notification: update styling and adjust based on navbar state (f68f9db)
- observable: adds previous value to broadcast (17968eb)
- panel: adds button tooltip & styling, adds collection info (439225b)
- panel: adds icons to tag links (670d7c0)
- panel: adds list state warning & active list (e17611f)
- panel: adds modal picker to buttons (206ae01)
- panel: adds movie button, and disable buttons while loading (bc99faf)
- panel: adds person & movie basic panels (1b4bb1a)
- panel: adds progress to picker (e9733d4)
- panel: adds remove/cancel labels (1e0cdb8)
- panel: adds season & show hidden link in picker (f0913e3)
- panel: adds show & season overview support (a922574)
- panel: adds show details to panel (f44e113)
- panel: adds watched history toggle support (750ee44)
- panel: connect store to show panel (5bddb01)
- panel: implement list & collection updates (0157df6)
- panel: refactor overview, rework season picker & loading (a1e9407)
- panel: refactor panels, adds person details and adds links (87bd76a)
- panel: refactor show panel (e748f20)
- panel: refresh list view on panel close (a7ec4e2)
- panel: support release date (db5e325)
- panel: translate notification with i18n and adjust styling (0f15097)
- poster: make backdrop more generic & localise posters (0581017)
- poster: refactor poster in dedicated component (81ddf7f)
- progress: adds hover tooltip (b8b00e4)
- progress: adds initial progress view (deca6c5)
- progress: adds logout/sign-in prompt (261056f)
- progress: adds progress bar (1b93f2b)
- progress: move progress to store and adds caching (6ac3cc8)
- refactor: makes list and empty generic re-usable components (13e97d1)
- restore: restore service state on init (8e49fd1)
- router: create about route (1ad86b3)
- scaffolding: add initial folder structure (d87e2bb)
- search: adds search memory & history (e943b1f)
- search: create navbar search component (3b3e93c)
- search: implement search page (4c92c54)
- settings: adds account cards in settings (39ec0a8)
- settings: adds cache settings card (2d507f4)
- settings: adds link settings card (5076f2a)
- settings: adds settings tabs card (211cf66)
- settings: create wrapper component (3802384)
- settings: persist credentials for services (746e26e)
- settings: refactor settings form (20ae9ab)
- store: adds multi account support (32a3e78)
- tags: adds open link on click (ba0c3f6)
- tags: increase tags saturation on hover (3c0a342)
- tags: rework tags and episode display (e08aea3)
- theme: adds dark/light theme switch (dcb5a55)
- tmdb: add endpoints (6c2ba7b)
- tmdb: adds initial service (3b49030)
- tmdb: adds movie endpoints (32833eb)
- tmdb: create v4 endpoint (1e0ee52)
- tmdb: rework auth (288566a)
- trakt-client: adds cache support to endpoints (b369463)
- trakt-client: create initial trakt client (#112) (3f6f668)
- traktv-service: implements authentication & adds unit testing (#117) (8c5242f)
- transition: adds basic route transition (ee10249)
- unit-test: covers base-client and optimise trakt-client UT (e7238be)
- web: fix web routing and adds last route restore (d5da030)
- web: fix web routing, create app state, add loading route (6881638)
- web: use local storage when not in extension context (5933d69)
- base-client: adds type inference to param & body (b41a01a)
- base-client: fix falsy filter for param interpolation (ccb3e48)
- base-client: support more flexible date formats (4063e40)
- browser: access chrome through window for browser without global (b9c7811)
- bundle: use minimal conf to allow treeshaking (f5ab7c2)
- cache: change progress fetch & calculation and fix eviction check (f618ec4)
- cache: rework cache clear to only evict with a regex pattern (fad8a36)
- cache: store and return cloned response from cache (4633e16)
- cache: update cache eviction strategy (dfa251e)
- calendar: correct extraneous placeholder at the end of the range (63f758c)
- css: adjust blur gradient for panels & navbar (a4fb08c)
- css: simplify navbar css & themed variables (553ade2)
- dropdown: fix avatar fallback (4d38dd2)
- history: clear state when switching users (00c7278)
- hmr: fix broken hmr (259003e)
- hmr: fix hot module replacement in extension (dd2f575)
- hmr: fix i18n hot module replace in browser mode (7d2fa14)
- i18n: add base url in i18n fetching (9adf5a7)
- i18n: merge hmr locale injection instead of discarding (20feabf)
- image: adds image size selector & fix placeholder (af8f122)
- image: correct image loading strategy (f9cb196)
- image: fetch images only when list item renders (ee106c7)
- images: adds a timeout threshold to enable transition (92ef9cf)
- image: switch to support backdrops in addition to posters (d683592)
- lib: fix naive-ui style injection (aba46ea)
- list: adjust styling and make poster width a variable (2bc08fd)
- list: change key to index since trakt api can return duplicates (df788d3)
- list: improve render performance (51d818d)
- loading: fix styling and loading indicator (f0709f4)
- login: strip code once auth successfull (eb79719)
- logo: fix svg resolution for the logged out logo (5fd5f7d)
- navbar: adds missing settings page as possible active route (9035f20)
- navbar: change wording & switch to auto-complete (dd66366)
- navbar: disable navbar selectors when loading http calls (48ad270)
- navbar: keep drawer open on focus within (51ef1e2)
- navbar: makes i18n computed (63ba7ce)
- panel: adds loading support & fix scrollbar (650d7e7)
- panel: adjust margin & fix loading placeholders (ae22dff)
- panel: adjust margin and loading indicators (d16a742)
- panel: fix panel routing and shell loading (ed6b6f3)
- panel: remove checkin and fix sizing (761167d)
- panel: simplify movie fetching (efd6e1f)
- panel: simplify show fetching (d7d0906)
- popup: adds overflow hidden to prevent unwanted scrollbars (5945105)
- progress: fix percentages and hide tooltips when no aired episodes (bdf0142)
- progress: fix watched calculation and loading indicator (0dd32ee)
- proxy: adds cors proxy when in browser (1946136)
- redirect: supports browser origin redirect when not in extension (0bb898a)
- router: fix router restore when last on login page (f9dfd72)
- router: use name for routing (1a0da58)
- routing: adds path match to redirect unknown routes (fe609e7)
- scroll: always show timeline line (a2433ba)
- scss: fix media query light/dark themes (8b9d42b)
- search: rework the code matching and search (47ee7a5)
- services: switch to options instead of settings in constructor (6cf524d)
- settings: adjust scroll offset in settings (1608983)
- settings: rework focus/hover select cards (71757d8)
- store: correctly clear reactive proxy when clearing states (0154260)
- style: fix transition for background ui (3875e93)
- styles: fix styling (dfa97e8)
- tags: change to bordered tags to increase readability (425a9ed)
- test: fix logging issues for i18n (002b7b9)
- tests: mock chrome for vitest tests (ba6312b)
- tooltip: close tooltip on trigger (729436c)
- typing: fix chrome typing for other browsers (148b3f6)
- ui: auto-resize based on window inner width/height (0599bc8)
- update manifest (7dc8cf4)
- wc: fix index.html color & bg (dbe5684)
- web: change from path to name base item routing (ce7b8bf)
- web: correctly parse search in bootstrap (dbbfe91)
- web: ensure i18n are loaded before marking ready (aab0e03)
- web: fix i18n reactivity for web (256ca34)
- web: fix local url fetching (02036af)
- web: remove trailing slash from redirect uri (ddb1717)
- web: skip if doesn't start with basename (91989be)
1.2.0 (2023-08-26)
- setup: fix style encapsulation and remove vuetify (9c03d87)
- wc: fix typing, locale fetch and backgrounds (41f35f8)
1.1.3 (2023-08-25)
- router: fix routing (f624e1e)
1.1.2 (2023-08-25)
- routing: adds basename (83c4525)
- wc: change base path (b1793a9)
- wc: disable export minification (947fb44)
1.1.1 (2023-08-24)
- ci: fix publish version (cd99939)