Releases: liquibase/liquibase-test-harness
Releases · liquibase/liquibase-test-harness
📗 Notable Changes
- (#960) DAT-18891. added postgres 17 on prem support @PavloTytarchuk
- (#947) DAT-14344. added initial setup for percona-mysql-8.4 @PavloTytarchuk
🚀 New Features
- (#1004) Revert "fixing main after changes in core" @Tamelianovych
- (#1003) DAT-19682 adding support edb-postgres-[v]/informix-[v] to advanced tests @Tamelianovych
- (#990) Fix for postgres @Tamelianovych
- (#997) [DAT-19625] Refactored generateChangelog tests logic @Tamelianovych
- (#986) Hotfix advanced.yml @Tamelianovych
- (#982) [DAT-12910]/[DAT-19440]/[DAT-19439] DiffTests changes @Tamelianovych
- (#983) [DAT-18736] added common 'ignore testcase' functionality to Snapshot test @KushnirykOleh
- (#981) DAT-19460. Moved Stress test from the GenerateChangelogTest to the separate class. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#977) DAT-16963. added mariadb 11.4 support @PavloTytarchuk
- (#980) [DAT-12908] GenerateChangelogTest: add verification that 'objects' directory is created for stored logic objects. @Tamelianovych
- (#976) [DAT-19188] Adding TiDB to Test Harness @Tamelianovych
- (#967) Fixing gcpMSSQL @Tamelianovych
- (#966) Fixing mysql 8.4 advanced tests @Tamelianovych
- (#961) [DAT-18992] 2025 :: Q1 :: Interop :: MySQL 8.4 on-prem support @Tamelianovych
- (#959) Fixing cloud dbs @Tamelianovych
- (#956) Fixing cloud dbs @Tamelianovych
- (#955) fixing aws_mssql @Tamelianovych
- (#953) Fixing aws mssql @Tamelianovych
- (#952) [DAT-18428] Fixing issue with GCP_MSSQL @Tamelianovych
- (#945) fixing main after changes in core @Tamelianovych
- (#943) [DAT-18428] GCP MSSQL :: SPIKE: determine why test-harness tests for GCP MSSQL are periodically failing during the drop-all command execution. @Tamelianovych
- (#933) DAT-19145 Basic template to setup Informix @rberezen
- (#925) [DAT-19026] allowed to override Foundational test input files @KushnirykOleh
- (#914) disable analytics (DAT-18903) @StevenMassaro
- (#878) unignored hsqldb autoIncrement @KushnirykOleh
- (#876) fixed Advanced test for edb 16 @KushnirykOleh
🐛 Bug Fixes 🛠
- (#946) DAT-18731 - Resolving the /null problem when not finding the createTable.sql @CharlesQueiroz
- (#942) [no-jira] brought @vladimirevd fix @KushnirykOleh
- (#932) fix: add "as BIGINT" by default to DB2luw, hsqldb and mssql sequences @filipelautert
- (#916) DAT-18864. testing titan issue fix @PavloTytarchuk
- (#895) [DAT-18732] fixed sources and javadoc jars @KushnirykOleh
🤖 Security Driver and Other Updates
66 changes
- (#1011) [no_jira] updated extension version and mysql driver @KushnirykOleh
- (#1007) chore(deps-dev): bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.21.0 to 3.23.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#1006) chore(deps-dev): bump org.slf4j:slf4j-api from 2.0.16 to 2.0.17 @dependabot[bot]
- (#1005) chore(deps-dev): bump org.slf4j:slf4j-simple from 2.0.16 to 2.0.17 @dependabot[bot]
- (#1009) DAT-19706. update junit & junit platform versions @PavloTytarchuk
- (#1008) chore(deps): bump org.apache.groovy:groovy-all from 4.0.25 to 4.0.26 @dependabot[bot]
- (#1000) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#1001) chore(deps): bump liquibase-github-actions/drop-all from 4.31.0 to 4.31.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#996) DAT-19653 DevOps :: Fix firebird and hsqldb infra @jandroav
- (#994) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#993) chore(deps): bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.2 to 2.4 @dependabot[bot]
- (#991) chore(deps-dev): bump org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#995) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin from 3.4.0 to 3.4.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#985) chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#984) chore(deps): bump org.apache.groovy:groovy-all from 4.0.24 to 4.0.25 @dependabot[bot]
- (#970) chore(deps-dev): bump org.postgresql:postgresql from 42.7.4 to 42.7.5 @dependabot[bot]
- (#969) chore(deps): bump potatoqualitee/mssqlsuite from 1.7 to 1.8 @dependabot[bot]
- (#971) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#973) chore(deps): bump liquibase-github-actions/drop-all from 4.30.0 to 4.31.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#975) DAT-19303 DevOps :: TiDB :: Add ability to run custom SQL script that creates tables and table data against created db @jandroav
- (#957) chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.gmavenplus:gmavenplus-plugin from 4.0.1 to 4.1.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#958) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#951) chore(deps): bump org.liquibase.ext:liquibase-sdk-maven-plugin from 0.10.23 to 0.10.25 @dependabot[bot]
- (#940) chore(deps): bump junit-platform.version from 1.11.3 to 1.11.4 @dependabot[bot]
- (#934) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.11.1 to 3.11.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#941) chore(deps): bump junit.version from 5.11.3 to 5.11.4 @dependabot[bot]
- (#936) chore(deps-dev): bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.20.0 to 3.21.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#930) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#927) chore(deps): bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.17.0 to 2.18.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#929) chore(deps-dev): bump org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#922) chore(deps): bump liquibase-github-actions/drop-all from 4.29.2 to 4.30.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#921) chore(deps): bump org.apache.groovy:groovy-all from 4.0.23 to 4.0.24 @dependabot[bot]
- (#924) chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin from 2.17.1 to 2.18.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#923) chore(deps): bump from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#920) chore(deps-dev): bump org.hsqldb:hsqldb from 2.7.3 to 2.7.4 @dependabot[bot]
- (#918) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#919) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#909) chore(deps): bump junit-platform.version from 1.11.2 to 1.11.3 @dependabot[bot]
- (#917) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.10.1 to 3.11.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#910) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#915) chore(deps-dev): bump net.snowflake:snowflake-jdbc from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#907) chore(deps): bump org.firebirdsql.jdbc:jaybird from 5.0.5.java11 to 5.0.6.java11 @dependabot[bot]
- (#908) chore(deps): bump junit.version from 5.11.2 to 5.11.3 @dependabot[bot]
- (#911) chore(deps): bump actions/setup-python from 5.2.0 to 5.3.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#912) chore(deps-dev): bump org.mariadb.jdbc:mariadb-java-client from 3.4.1 to 3.5.0 @dependabot[bot]
- (#904) chore(deps): bump junit.version from 5.11.1 to 5.11.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#902) chore(deps): bump org.codehaus.gmavenplus:gmavenplus-plugin from 3.0.2 to 4.0.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#906) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#905) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#903) chore(deps): bump junit-platform.version from 1.11.1 to 1.11.2 @dependabot[bot]
- (#897) chore(deps): bump junit-platform.version from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#900) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin from 3.10.0 to 3.10.1 @dependabot[bot]
- (#891) chore(deps): bump org.apache.groovy:groovy-all from 4.0.22 to 4.0.23 @dependabot[bot]
- (#899) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot[bot]
- (#896) chore(deps): bump junit.version from 5.11.0 to 5.11.1 @[dependabot[bot]](
- (#869) DAT-18326 test-harness is failing at createRelease step @jandroav
- (#825) [no-jira] removed EDB '9.5' '9.6' '10' and '11' @KushnirykOleh
- (#823) 🔧 (aws-weekly.yml): Update workflow to conditionally set database var… @jandroav
- (#822) DAT-17839 Ephemeral Snowflake infra for liquibase-test-harness @jandroav
- (#819) DAT-17834 Ephemeral AWS infra for liquibase-test-harness @jandroav
- (#816) DAT-17834 Ephemeral AWS infra for liquibase-test-harness @jandroav
- (#810) DAT-17492: remove user status check @sayaliM0412
- (#808) DAT-17572 Modify CI/CD Configurations for Nexus Integration @jandroav
- (#807) Update comment @sayaliM0412
- (#806) fix mssql localstack issue @PavloTytarchuk
- (#805) merge develop into the main @PavloTytarchuk
- (#802) fixed failures for views and triggers @PavloTytarchuk
- (#793) DAT-16954 DevOps :: Deprecate Postgres 11 @jandroav
- (#797) DAT-17565 DevOps :: localstack failing for aws-aurora 8 in test-harness @jandroav
- (#791) [DAT-16959, DAT-16960] updated support matrix @KushnirykOleh
- (#772) DAT-17338 add AWS RDS Postgres 16 and set AWS Aurora Postgres to 16 @jnewton03
- (#784) Downgrade MSSQL driver version from 12.7.0.jre11-preview to 12.6.1.jre11 @MalloD12
- (#779) add required drop-all fields @jnewton03
- (#775) upgrade to docker compose v2 @jnewton03
- (#774) [DAT-17352] Add copy-rename-maven-plugin plugin @vitaliimak
- (#773) [DAT-17352] Bring configuration from parent pom @vitaliimak
- (#771) [DAT-17352] Trigger workflow @vitaliimak
- (#770) [DAT-17352] Fix workflow @vitaliimak
- (#768) [DAT-17352] Fix Attach Artifact to Release workflow @vitaliimak
- (#755) DAT-17264: use build-logic reusable workflow @sayaliM0412
- (#753) DAT-17003. changes to make flexible server 15 & 16 work @PavloTytarchuk
- (#752) DAT 17032 17033 - workflow step fix @jandroav
- (#748) DAT-17032-17033 Setup Azure Postgres 15/16 @jandroav
- (#747) DAT-15025. added postges 16 to the test-harness test suite @PavloTytarchuk
- (#736) merge develop into main after 4.26 release @KushnirykOleh
- (#737) DAT-16491: authorize setup fix @sayaliM0412
- (#729) DAT-16491 : get liquibase-core working with develop branch @sayaliM0412
- (#733) DAT-16820. refactored cloud DBs init-scripts to follow Liquibase atomic changes best practice @PavloTytarchuk
- (#727) Expected SQL files updated to reflect MariaDB boolean changes from OSS @MalloD12
- (#723) added separate init script for MySQL GCP @PavloTytarchuk
- (#719) Update to include Windows syntax @tati-qalified
- (#718) docs: add documentation for local testing with localstack and awsloca… @jandroav
- (#622) DAT-1565 Investigate LocalStack for automated testing of AWS Platforms @jandroav
- (#712) fix aws mariadb tests @PavloTytarchuk
- (#708) DAT-16455: remove unwanted code @sayaliM0412
- (#704) DAT-16486: get Test-Harness info on OSS page @sayaliM0412
- (#707) DAT-16455: test-harness Triggered by OSS PR @sayaliM0412
- (#705) DAT-16486: use run-tests.yml from OSS workflow @sayaliM0412
- (#694) sync main branch to develop branch (#692) @sayaliM0412
- (#697) Fix develop failures @PavloTytarchuk
- (#698) Fix: add liquibase-sdk-maven-plugin attributes @sayaliM0412
- (#696) DAT-16387- re-add the deleted code @sayaliM0412
- (#691) DAT-16387 @sayaliM0412
- (#641) Update MySQL boolean behaviour from TinyInt(1) to TinyInt @MalloD12
- (#692) sync main branch to develop branch @sayaliM0412
- (#673) DAT-16380 @sayaliM0412
- (#667) fix error unexpected end of the stream within a double quoted scalar @sayaliM0412
- (#666) DAT-15775 @sayaliM0412
- (#660) merge develop into main after 4.25 @KushnirykOleh
- (#661) DAT-16328 test-harness build fails on setup step @jandroav
- (#583) DAT-14657. Fixed advanced test failures. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#638) remove env GITHUB_TOKEN @sayaliM0412
- (#636) DAT-16122 Add liquibaseCommit @sayaliM0412
- (#634) DAT-16122 @sayaliM0412
- (#633) Update main.yml @sayaliM0412
- (#632) DAT-16122 @sayaliM0412
- (#608) addDefaultValueBoolean expected sql updated @MalloD12
- (#630) Refactored test data for oracle 23c. Fixed advanced tests failures for Postgres, EDB & MSSQL @PavloTytarchuk
- (#626) merge Develop into main after 4.24 release @KushnirykOleh
- (#615) DAT-15904 Downgrade oracle driver version to production release 19.20 @rberezen
- (#613) DAT-15775 : run test harness on repository_dispatch from OSS repo @sayaliM0412
- (#580) DAT-15191. added valueSequenceNext test case for Snowflake @PavloTytarchuk
- (#584) Fix mysql boolean behaviours @PavloTytarchuk
- (#598) merge develop into main after 4.23.1 release @vitaliimak
- (#594) DAT-14667. added oracle 23.0.0 to the CI/CD @PavloTytarchuk
- (#595) [DAT-15369] Rollback snowflake driver to 3.13.32 due to build failures. @filipelautert
- (#592) Fix status bages @vitaliimak
- (#590) draft release after each push to main @sayaliM0412
- (#589) DAT-15272: add labels to every PR for release-notes generation @sayaliM0412
- (#586) merge develop into main @KushnirykOleh
- (#585) Create codeql.yml @jnewton03
- (#578) re-scheduled azure builds to run at 8.30 UTC instead of 6.00 UTC @PavloTytarchuk
- (#577) removed aws postgres 10 from the build matrix due to EOL of instance @PavloTytarchuk
- (#571) DAT-15074. added status badges for test-harness builds @PavloTytarchuk
- (#563) DAT-14857. used regex to removed unstable data verification during the diff test @PavloTytarchuk
- (#560) downgraded liquibase gha versions to 4.21.1 from 4.22.0 @PavloTytarchuk
- (#558) fixed mssql test failures in develop branch @PavloTytarchuk
- (#556) made changes to Snowflake test data to fix failing tests. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#554) fixed test data for mssql gcp snapshot test @PavloTytarchuk
- (#553) updated db versions in diff tests @PavloTytarchuk
- (#551) merge develop into main after 4.22 release @KushnirykOleh
- (#550) [no-jira] override sqlFile for different oracle instances @KushnirykOleh
- (#549) DAT-12522. added oracle oci support. created oracle-oci workflow. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#544) Fix tests @filipelautert
- (#545) DAT-12522. added oracle oci support. created oracle-oci workflow @PavloTytarchuk
- (#543) DAT-14657. removed recently added code from generateChangelog test. updated db version in expected snapshot for snapshot test. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#542) PR-4101:Lowercase SYS.EXTENDED_PROPERTIES and SYS.COLUMNS in expected SQL for table/column remarks. @XDelphiGrl
- (#534) DAT-14267: add liquibase-github-action to update mssql database @jandroav
- (#539) DAT-14478. replaced AdvancedHarnessSuiteTest with LiquibaseHarnessSuiteTest as a default test suite. Fixes in test data for mssql:gcp. @PavloTytarchuk
- (#538) DAT-14478. replaced AdvancedHarnessSuiteTest with LiquibaseHarnessSuiteTest as a default test suite @PavloTytarchuk
- (#535) merge develop into main after 4.21 release @KushnirykOleh
- (#531) DAT-12448. replaced oracle 18.3 with 19.3 @PavloTytarchuk
- (#507) merging develop into main after 4.19 release @KushnirykOleh
- (#529) [no-jira] Snowflake createTableDataTypeDoubleIsFloat testcase fix @KushnirykOleh
- (#527) fixed oracle aws test failures @PavloTytarchuk
- (#524) [snowflake_cicd_fix] removed empty brackets @KushnirykOleh
- (#521) Updating documentation to help extention builders automate tests @r2-lf
- (#514) [no-jira]fixed expected queries for mssql @KushnirykOleh
- (#513) Snakeyaml 2.0 @filipelautert
- (#497) DAT-13177 Advanced Harness Test v2 @yodzhubeiskyi
- (#509) [DAT-13660] fix build warnings @KushnirykOleh
- (#502) [DAT-13428] fixed explicit class casting @KushnirykOleh
- (#501) [no-jira] JsonUtils improvements to show diff @KushnirykOleh
- (#486) Added additional verification for GenerateChangelogTest @yodzhubeiskyi
- (#481) Add Snowflake double to float tests. @filipelautert
- (#484) DAT-12476. added Azure SQL MI support to test harness @PavloTytarchuk
- (#483) DAT-13155 Remove unnecessary parentheses from dropFunction Change Type @vitaliimak
- (#470) Adding Verification Levels to Test Support Matrix @kristyldatical
- (#480) Fix mssql failures @PavloTytarchuk
- (#479) Revert "updated setColumnRemarks.sql and setTableRemarks.sql for mssql to meet the new behavior" @PavloTytarchuk
- (#478) updated setColumnRemarks.sql and setTableRemarks.sql for mssql to meet the new behavior @PavloTytarchuk
- (#476) merge develop into main after Liquibase release @KushnirykOleh
- (#474) [no-jira] override modifySql changelog for Oracle 19 on AWS @KushnirykOleh
- (#469) GCP Advanced test @yodzhubeiskyi
- (#468) updated readme with the newest tested platforms, added advanced test suite instructions @PavloTytarchuk
🚀 New Features
- (#868) [DAT-16270] added EDB-16 @KushnirykOleh
- (#861) DAT-18391. Fixing test-harness failures @PavloTytarchuk
- (#854) using 2019-CU27-ubuntu-20.04 version of mssql instead of the latest @PavloTytarchuk
- (#845) testing previos version of 2022 image @PavloTytarchuk
- (#842) [DAT-16272] added edb 15 @KushnirykOleh
- (#829) [DAT-17418] Update groovy and spock versions @vitaliimak
- (#832) [DAT-17726] Update CockroachDB version @vitaliimak
- (#731) made fixes in expected snapshots for mariadb boolean tests @PavloTytarchuk
- (#555) DAT-13500. added test data for Oracle OCI advanced test @PavloTytarchuk
🐛 Bug Fixes 🛠
- (#833) [DAT-17590] Fix tests for 3.16.0 driver version @vitaliimak
🤖 Security Driver and Other Updates
207 changes
- (#873) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 @dependabot
- (#872) chore(deps): bump org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-failsafe-plugin from 3.3.1 to 3.4.0 @dependabot
- (#871) chore(deps-dev): bump org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc from to @dependabot
- (#865) chore(deps...
In version 1.0.9 we
- Added test support for:
- More AWS, GCP & Azure Cloud Platforms
- Overhauled the Advanced Level Test and incorporated significant improvements
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In version 1.0.8 we
- Added test support for:
- AWS Redshift (Compatible Level)
- Added enhancements for Compatible Level Test
- Stabilized AWS Cloud database test execution
- Upgraded to more secure & stable versions of database drivers
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In version 1.0.7 we:
- Added test support for:
- AWS RDS SQL Server
- AWS Aurora MySQL
- AWS Aurora Postgres
- Added new tests for Compatibility & Foundational Level
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In version 1.0.6 we:
- Added test support for:
- Snowflake (PRO Certification)
- DB2 on LUW (PRO Certification)
- Azure SQL DB (PRO Certification)
- Azure SQL MI (PRO Certification)
- Provided support for specifying Liquibase Core version as well as cmd line arguments to override the config yaml file
- Upgraded driver dependencies to later, more secure versions
- Added support for more Community & PRO change types
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In version 1.0.5 we:
- Added test support for more versions of EDB, Firebird, MariaDB, CockroachDB
- Added test support for DB2 on z/OS (Community Validation)
- Added a new base level test for use with Liquibase extensions
- Added support for more Community & PRO change types
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In this version we:
- Added test support for HSQLDB & Firebird databases via Titan (
- Added test support for more versions of MariaDB, CockroachDB & Oracle databases
- Added test support for AWS Postgres & Oracle RDS platforms
- Refactored Test Harness to use Liquibase Command Framework
- Added support for testing PRO change types
- Added more change type tests
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In this version we:
- Added more change type tests
- Released bug fixes and enhancements
In this version we:
- Added test support for Apache Derby, SQL Server v2019, CockroachDB v21.1 databases
- Added test support for the Liquibase Hibernate extension
- Added more change type tests
- Released bug fixes and enhancements